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"Bounce" Review 29 June 2004

.. if you can't appreciate it

A review by yeeling

If you'd gotten this album but somehow can't figure out which song to choose, select and fall in love with yet, or if you'd gotten this album but think that you just felt like throwing it to the bin and hug only those you love and wish you could return to the 80's.. you can always 'donate' it to me out of 'kindness' or something, here, i'll leave you an address for that.

If you'd only known how much effort Jon,Rich,Tic,Dave and Hugh had put in to get you guys 'bounce'-away from those stereotypes you've given them.. Try looking into those videoclips on BJTV.. , then HOPEFULLY , you'd know what i mean.

Or perhaps ask a 42 year old uncle, brother or father of yours to jump and thump with charm and passion like Jon without having to standby the oxygen tank by the side and without looking awful?? And you people think that it is an easy piece of life to have you clowns entertained.

My review: Undivided, Everyday : 10/10
The rest .. 9/10

Rating: 10/10

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