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Old 03-05-2017, 02:01 PM
LarryBJ LarryBJ is offline
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Default A Vocal Coach about Jon's Voice Decline

A Facebook page called ''spain Bon Jovi'' talked to a Vocal Coach and he said some interesting things about Jon's Vocal Problems
(sorry for the bad transation...the original article was in Spanish)

Arthur Ibáñez, vocal coach: "the state of mind of jbj these three years could affect him vocally"

Since Spain Bon Jovi we have tried to do a research paper, and we got in touch with Arthur Ibáñez, singing teacher in Barcelona, for us to try to explain a bit what may happen to Jon Bon Jovi vocally in this new tour and get some diagnosis Approximate their problem, with the opinion of someone an expert in the field.

After providing several videos of the same song (always in almost all the stages of the race of Bon Jovi) and review them, Arthur makes his analysis of approximately what you think could happen:

" the first thing I notice is that, as the years pass, the singers are often lower tone the songs, and for which show the videos, Jon continues to do so at the same tone, which is admirable. As the years pass I've seen him suffer anymore, although just defending her as the teacher who is. May be due to a bad posture or bellows that may weaken, thanks to having insecurity (depression that the own Jon confirmed suffer after the departure of Richie) or other factors that can affect you emotionally."

Professor, furthermore, he claims to be sure that the reason that Jon is suffering more this year to sing is not due to a dysphonia: " I assure you that the voice of Jon isn't hoarse, if you have any pathology, deceives us very Okay. Vocal Level I doubt he has any serious pathology. Now, if he's been through a depression recently may have weak voice as a result and not have so much strength. But not out of tune anything despite this. The only feeling is that it costs more and more. The mood is very important for any singer, so a depression can be a good enough excuse for not being able to sing ".

Arthur gives us more details that may contribute to the state of Jon at present, as this may be due to your lack of mobility and spend so many parts of the concert and stuck to the microphone, " another problem that may have, and that I've found in students, it is That all life may have been singing well without problems, but that doesn't mean what they were doing well at a technical level. When you're young, they use some vocal resources which they work, but they don't have to be correct. But at some point, if the musculature. Stop being so strong, those resources that were not entirely correct, stop working because they don't hold on a solid foundation. From What I see in the videos, he's very aware of grabbing the video, it really keeps the position, almost without breaking a sweat. Maybe she's learning vocal technique from zero, to compensate for those problems that now happen and not happened before. In the videos he looks very aware of the technique and it lets go less than before. It's like I'm padding for the voice because you don't know if i will respond."

The Professor tells us that it is impossible to know what happens for sure, but what I do dares to rule out is that this is serious problems of vocal cords, " the exact pathology or the exact problem it may seem if you take it out I had in front in a consultation and diagnosed the problem. Its exact problem will only be able to know his vocal coach and the people closest to them. What I would is suffering from some serious problem of vocal cords. Looks more like a problem of insecurity and weakness than anything else. The feeling is that the problem is mental, that as a result affects him vocally, but not a problem or vocal pathology is beyond redemption ".

Many thanks to professor Arthur Ibáñez for their predisposition and for helping us to understand that it may be happening to the leader of bon jovi in this new tour, and reassure us that suffer some serious pathology. Let's hope he recovers as soon as possible.
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