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Old 03-12-2012, 02:46 PM
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I believe I ranked Crush as my second favorite album. Anyway here goes..

14pt] Say It Isn't So
13pt] Next 100 Years
12pt] One Wild Night
11pt] Just Older
10pt] Neurotica
9pt] Two Story Town
8pt] Mystery Train
7pt] I Got The Girl
6pt] Thank You For Loving Me
5pt] It's My Life
4pt] Captain Crash & The Beauty Queen From Mars
3pt] Save The World
2pt] I Could Make A Living Out Of Loving You
1pt] She's A Mystery

I had trouble ranking the songs because I love every one of them from I Got The Girl upwards and many of them I consider equal with each other.

I'd say Crush is the most diverse album Bon Jovi has released and while it's one of their more poppy ones it's also surprisingly experimental. Tracks like Say It Isn't So, Next 100 Years and Two Story Town all have some interesting structures that you probably wouldn't find in a typical 00's pop rock album.

Lyrically it's nothing mind-blowing. You've got the typical Jovi lyrics. But the melodies are so freakin' catchy. And the instrumentation in general is way more creative than on any other of their 00's albums.

I adore Say It Isn't So. IMO it's the perfect pop rock song. Next 100 Years is just as good but I decided to give the 14 points to SIIS 'cause it probably won't score many of those. 100 Years has the most creative guitarwork from Richie we've seen in the 21st century. The outro with the horns is just brilliant.

One Wild Night just rocks with a great riff. Just Older, Neurotica.. equals.
Two Story Town is a song rarely talked about.. I really like it even though it has a generic chord progression played in a generic way. Mystery Train's solo is great and it's very atmospheric all in all. Love the outro.

I Got The Girl is very underrated. The lyrics make me cringe at times but I love the bassline and the guitar is very Tom Petty-esque. Thank You For Loving Me is not nearly as bad as people seem to make it out to be. Sure it's not as powerful as TAALS or BOR but it still has a great chorus. The guitar is very lacking though.

Not much to say about the rest of the songs except that IML.. well I'm just so freakin' tired of it. I can't even listen to it anymore. It's an important song though and I won't deny that it's a great one but yeah.. I'm pretty much done with it other than the TFLR version.

Save The World always seems to be completely overshadowed by Mystery Train so that's why it's so low.. oh and She's A Mystery is complete garbage.

I really love this album so I felt like writing a bit more about it.
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