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Old 03-24-2017, 10:28 AM
jazzsta jazzsta is offline
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1) Concerning Dave, Tico or anyone else taking some lead vocal for a song or two, I doubt it exactly because nowadays Jon's voice is so weak and underemphatic, that any other voice heard back to back in the same show will wake the audience up to that issue.

2) Reunion: I dont care about sharing a line of melody with the M&S song, cause Reunion is so much better, it has groove and more melodies and Jon's voice (even 2016 studio-edited version) is so much nicer than this miaw mieaw of M&S. Also in (the studio version of) Reunion, the Shanks oversaturated production is not so present, mainly cause there are not a tone of electric guitar layers. So it is enjoyable from that point of view also.
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