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Old 03-07-2017, 02:09 PM
Manbou Manbou is offline
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Originally Posted by Kokutetsu101 View Post
I want these days to be performed. I mean they didn't do anything from that album yet right?
From what we know from former tours, there's almost no chance for something off These Days to get played in the US (and fewer setlist variety in general). During the BWC tour e.g., they got Diamond Ring, but only a few times and very late into the tour.

In some recent Q&A Jon stated that American crowds don't like These Days songs as much as say European ones. If we look at the album charts, there certainly might be something true to that

Plus, most of the These Days repertoire is quite hard to sing.

On a more general note, I don't really know what to expect of the next show. On the one hand, historically seen there are more chances for a long show and/or a show with some surprises/rarities. But on the other hand, this "rule" doesn't really seem to apply anymore. For example, the last concert in San Diego was a back-to-back date, and I have to admit that it was rather short, but it was a relatively strong one.
Also, it might be that there is a private show "hidden" somewhere in the schedule, so that the 8 days break might not really be so long.
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