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Old 05-06-2024, 09:34 PM
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Born to be my Baby
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It really is disconnected phrase versus rest of the song, moreso than average Jovi song. It's not that it doesn't make sense, what all of you have said is fine, but it's really loose connection.

And again in modern Jovi fashion, the song's title plus the hype of new beginning and documentary brings in fans and general public to take a listen, and it's new disappointment. I've tried hard to like the song, but man it's so middle of the road, the elevator music DJ would be inclined to put it in the elevator.

The band basically for 10+ years only have ears and will to listen of 2 million people (or something in that region I guess) in the world that are ready and willing to go on their tour, to buy a ticket and have a good time. No new single will be a global hit like IML or even HAND territory. Why not just make those 2 million happy and eager with 1st single?

In this day and age, more promo does regular Jovi fan boring his friends about great comeback single by his favourite band, than any possible radio or streaming numbers to non-fans.
I'm full of dust and guitars.
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