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Old 03-13-2018, 06:52 PM
rosa3 rosa3 is offline
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Originally Posted by bjcrazycpa View Post
Maybe I've been in business too long but I honestly, don't see why all the fervent reaction to the climb and then descend of THINFS. It's a loophole that was exploited. I don't have a reaction either way and I don't mind Jon boasting about it. Heck at 34 years in, he's earned that right in my mind.
My point exactly!! Thank you, let Jon enjoy this moment.
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Old 03-13-2018, 08:24 PM
brunorc21 brunorc21 is offline
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Originally Posted by JackieBlue View Post
Congratulations, Bon Jovi!!! You managed to gimmick your way into yet another #1 on the Billboard charts!! GO YOU!! And that coup virtually guaranteed you a spot on the list of biggest drops in chart history - for the third time!! But you really outdid yourself this time, almost quadrupling your own previous record-breaking drop with the same album!!! What a band!!!

Does that work for you, Rosa?

There was no debate about how the #1 spot was captured last week. We knew why; because they did it the same way the first time around. And we knew, from that experience, that the result would probably be a massive, if not record-breaking, drop in position the following week.

It wasn't because we wished it to be so; and it has nothing to do with faith in the band or in their ability to make good music. It has to do with things like this:
  • Over a period of 67 weeks between the two "ticket-bundle" promos, THINFS sold a TOTAL of 78,000 copies. That averages out to a little over 1,000 copies per week. And the week just prior to the "re-release" promotion, it had sold only 175 copies.
  • Based on the explanation from the co-director of charts at Billboard, everybody who wanted to buy a concert ticket had to buy the CD - whether they wanted it or not. It's a great strategy, when you think about it. It jacks up their album sales and allows them to claim another consecutive #1 release and possibly gets rid of some surplus inventory, all at the same time. True, there's a side benefit of getting their music into the hands of more people. But if that was the motivation, why make people go to the trouble of redeeming a code? If there's no need to track it as "sales" why not just include a CD or download with every ticket? People might get a CD they didn't care about, but at least they would get what they paid for.
  • They use this strategy, knowing that the majority won't redeem the code. Only 120,000 of the estimated 350,000 ticket holders redeemed the code, which means that Bon Jovi couldn't even give the damn thing away to 2/3 of their "fans" because those ticket-holders didn't care enough about the album to bother turning in a fricken code to get something they had already paid for.

You have often accused me of being down on Jon, and it's usually because I don't believe what he says witbout checking other facts first. Well, this is a good example of why I second-guess nearly everything he says. Knowing how the ticket bundle works, how does Jon spin it?

Is what he said true? Technically. If 120,000 fans hadn't turned in a code to redeem a CD, there wouldn't have been a re-entry at number one. On the surface it sounds like those fans purchased the album which, again, is technically true; but not in the way you would historically asociate with chart positions. As I understand it, this wasn't an up-charge or a discounted price for the CD if someone chose to add it; they were forced to buy the CD if they wanted a concert ticket. And the estimated 250,000 who didn't want the CD? They got charged extra for nothing.

So basically, Jon is once again putting lipstick on a pig. And as his buddy Obama pointed out: You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.

Don't get me wrong, Rosa; I like pork. And I like this album. But, sales-wise, it bombed. I'll give the band credit for making an album that I enjoy. And I'll give Jon credit for being a good makeup artist for pigs. I've said before that he's one of the best in the business at making things sound good - or bad - depending on how he wants to spin it. I can even congratulate them for finding and using loopholes in chart strategy because other artists have the option of doing the same thing. But for having a number one album when, as far as I'm concerned, it's just in name only? I can't congratulate them for that.

And to respond to your initial charge: No ma'am, that doesn't make me happy in the slightest. While I would have been delighted to see them hit #1 both times if it had been based on the merits of the album, this just makes me feel sad - and a little sick to my stomach.

But it's an open forum, so feel free to congratulate Bon Jovi yourself. I saw your happy birthday message to Jon; but I must have missed your congratulations to the band for a job well done.
You are wrong. They didnīt sell 350.000 tickets. That was just the aproximated number by the end of the US tour (number of the concerts + arena capacity). And only albums purchased by a specific date would be eligible for redeem the CD.

And you are wrong again, nobody who wanted to buy the concert ticket had to buy the album. People could choose if they wanted to redeem the CD.
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Old 03-13-2018, 08:30 PM
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The cost of the CD is added to the ticket price. You cannot opt out of paying the extra Ģ10 or whatever it is when buying a ticket, therefore everyone is charged for the CD whether they chose to redeem it or not. The record company are not manufacturing and sending out these CDs for free....

Another articles painting the band in a negative light because of this:
It's been a PR disaster
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Old 03-13-2018, 08:35 PM
brunorc21 brunorc21 is offline
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
The cost of the CD is added to the ticket price. You cannot opt out of paying the extra Ģ10 or whatever it is when buying a ticket, therefore everyone is charged for the CD whether they chose to redeem it or not. The record company are not manufacturing and sending out these CDs for free....

Another articles painting the band in a negative light because of this:
It's been a PR disaster
But itīs not 1 ticket sold = 1 cd sold. Thatīs my point. People had to choose to be converted in sales. Iīm not a fan of the strategy, but i can understand why
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Old 03-13-2018, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by brunorc21 View Post
But itīs not 1 ticket sold = 1 cd sold. Thatīs my point. People had to choose to be converted in sales. Iīm not a fan of the strategy, but i can understand why
No one is disputing that. But whether you claim the CD or not, you are still charged for it, so the label is still making money out of you, even if it doesn't count towards the chart.
I'm sure it's probably something that was written into the contract when Jon resigned. It's the record labels last deperate attempt to stay relevant in a world where the old business model is dead.
As I said, if I was Biillboard I wouldn't allow these type of "sales" to be chart legible.
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Old 03-13-2018, 10:51 PM
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Just saw that part where Jon said they have 30 sold out shows. Has even 1 show sold out yet?
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Old 03-13-2018, 11:04 PM
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Just saw that part where Jon said they have 30 sold out shows. Has even 1 show sold out yet?
Montreal sold out and had a second date added. Other than that, it's selling rather poorly.

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Old 03-13-2018, 11:05 PM
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I understand the discussion around how ethical this is, but I don't think that's the main problem, at least it wasn't my point.

The whole bundling (and charging for!) the CDs with the concert tickets is just another commercial strategy to "reward" people who are interested in the band, make they feel that they are getting their money's worth. It makes sense that you'd get a CD of an artist you want to see live, and they are giving it away! Haven't you ever bought CDs/LPs on a whim? Based on a song you liked on the radio or a concert you went to? I have done this, quite a few times, but only when I saw the CDs in the discount bin so it's basically the same thing... "morally" if you wish.
I got my 2nd and 3rd copies of THINFS super cheap, they were already reduced and then it was a Buy 1/Get 1 50% off deal. Both CDs counts as a whole sale. I wouldn't have gotten the 3rd one if it wasn't for the deal.

Anyway, my point is that yes we know they've turned into a nostalgia band but up until now people outside our "fan world" were not paying attention and they were going to shows based on their good reputation and longevity. There weren't articles analyzing (and criticizing) their marketing ploys. This strategy backfiring on them now wouldn't have made a dent ten years ago, but would you go see them in 2018 if you were constantly reminded that they need to artificially inflate their numbers to reach no.1, a band with a supposedly huge fanbase? I know I wouldn't, I'd think they must stink if they have to resort to that, they must have very little loyal fans left so they probably are not worth the money.

Yes, I know many bands do the CD bundling, but you don't hear the press hammering about it because this is only a % of their sales and they are being successful regarless of those "dirty tricks". In BJ case it's only shining the spotlight on them in a very unflattering way.

And also my real beef with the THINFS promotion cycle is the lack of interest and effort. Tidal throw some money on their laps and the band fvcked off. It costs very little to do promotion nowadays. Young artists know they have to constantly engage their fans or they'll be quickly forgotten but a band like BJ can get away with little promo material like interviews, promo teasers (time, effort and money) and using instead lots of short bursts of engagement. A tweet with the lyrics of the songs every week. A shout-out to a popular artist praising their music (to make the fans of said artist be a little curious about "those old men"), polls... There are so so many easy things they could've done to keep the momentum and show the fans that really care about the band that they also care, they believe in their album and are really proud and happy to be sharing it

These days what's left of me ain't no Prince Charming

We know Jon, we know

Last edited by symbeline; 03-13-2018 at 11:13 PM.. Reason: It's still a horrible mess, sorry it's late
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Old 03-13-2018, 11:15 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by brunorc21 View Post
You are wrong. They didnīt sell 350.000 tickets. That was just the aproximated number by the end of the US tour (number of the concerts + arena capacity). And only albums purchased by a specific date would be eligible for redeem the CD....
That may very well be the case. I've been wrong before.

I believe I mentioned the estimate thing on the ticket sales thread. The actual estimate according to Billboard was 350,000-375,000 for the entire tour. That's why I said "estimated". (And according to the venue sites, the combined capacity for concerts is over 516,000.)

Originally Posted by brunorc21 View Post
...And you are wrong again, nobody who wanted to buy the concert ticket had to buy the album. People could choose if they wanted to redeem the CD.
The way Keith Caufield explained it, the customer could choose to "redeem" the voucher and to claim the CD; but the CD price was included in (bundled with) the ticket price. If that is the case, then when someone bought a ticket, they were also paying for the CD. Whether they chose to claim that CD or not was on them. Since only those redeemed vouchers are counted towards the chart position; tallying the vouchers is just for chart position and bragging rights. But the record label and Bon Jovi already have the money, regardless.

You're right about the date, though. According to, vouchers had to be redeemed by Feb 25. That makes sense because they would want to receive all the vouchers that were going to be redeemed before the Billboard cutoff to make sure they would all count towards the chart position. The vouchers wouldn't do them any good after the debut or, in this case, re-entry on the charts.
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Old 03-13-2018, 11:19 PM
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Originally Posted by danfan View Post
Just saw that part where Jon said they have 30 sold out shows. Has even 1 show sold out yet?
I read something about that a few posts back. Where did Jon say that? Was it at the iHeart icon awards?
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