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Pittsburgh Concert Review from Post-Gazette 13 November 2000
"Bon Jovi delivers scripted show"


The votes are in, and corporate interests have corrupted yet another great American institution. Last night at Mellon Arena, rock 'n' roll, the ultimate social insurgency, lost to a Madison Avenue marketing campaign to sell digitized plastic discs.

Bon Jovi, the poster boys of corporate rock, sold to a full house a choreographed, calculated set that was as slick as soap. Giant video screens hawked the latest video, "banter" was prepackaged and rehearsed and nothing resembling a breath of fresh air blew onto the stage with the headline act.

To an audience raised on corporate radio rock, it was fabulous.

The set started with an elaborate video clip of an orbiting satellite scouring the planet in search of the band, which hasn't toured in five years. It found the group in an "elevator" which emptied onto a stage designed to look like a rough-hewn loading dock.

After a few minutes of posing, Jon Bon Jovi wiggled in his leather pants and jacket to a standing microphone, the band assumed their positions behind their instruments and somewhere, somebody turned on a radio. Or at least the music sounded note-for-note, tone-for-tone like the band's studio recordings.


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