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"Crush" Review 21 July 2000
Best ever!

A review by Fredrik /

I know this isn't supposed to be a message board but I can't help myself on feeling a bit frustrated about Anders Hegg's review of "Crush".

As far as I can see is that he doesn't look at "Crush" as something new, but only as something that he wanted to be like something of the old Bon Jovi. Well, to me that isn't the concept of Bon Jovi. The guys have never made two similar albums but always changed their style, and that goes for this new album as well.

And I think that even if someone doesn't like this cd, you don't have to put "sounds like shit" phrases just to make a statement. That is to me a bit over the edge..

Saying that this album is more commercial and without soul is something I mostly disagree with. Yes, "It's my life" is quite a commercial song and to me an excellent move made by Bon Jovi. But saying that they lost their soul? That's low man.. Jon said in an interview that this was a remisque to the old days of rock " roll and the great outdoors, just with a new touch. That's exactly the essence of this album. If you don't like it, sure we can all accept that. But don't put them down just because of your own opinions..

But as I, and many others think, "Crush" is a great piece of work.. =)

Rating: 10/10

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