Captain Crash Crushes the globe!
I was listening to the radio one morning in May, pondering the meaning of life, when this amazing song came on the radio. I always knew that Bon Jovi had been big, and their songs great, but when I heard It's My Life for the first time, I understood just how good a band could be. It was so great to finally hear some decent stuff on the radio, that me and my friend rang them up every day for weeks asking them to play it again.
As soon as I got hold of the album, I knew I was onto something perhaps better even than the first notes of 'Life'. Captain Crash was my best song for a long time, and since then, I've had all 13 tracks on the Brittish version as my no. 1. I don't know how people can moan about it; of course it's not another 'Slippery', an album like that appears perhaps once in a lifetime, if you're lucky.
I just want to say,
THANK-YOU for loving us fans enough to give us this album, and guys, let's not leave it so long next time, yeah?
Keep the faith, always. (Or for the next 100 years at least).
Ellie M
Rating: 10/10