No t enough words to describe this excellent album
This solo album of JON is so big and best that I don't have words to describe it.Atmosphere of "Blaze of glory" is so powerful,joyful,calm and it makes you,ve got chills all the time.Everything on this CD is fantastic!Thanks Elton John and Jeff Beck for helping Jon to make this album the best album of the best I've ever heard.
** Billy get yhour guns-dynamic,super climate of western movies 10/10
** Miracle- sweet,cool song for every cowboy on the earth 10/10
** Blaze of glory-YEAH!!!!!! 10/10
** Blood money-very calm ballad of friendship and loyalty-great lyrics 10/10
** Santa Fe-another masterpiece -sweet ballad that makes me feel so good 10/10
** Justice in the barrel- extra dynamic song 9/10
** You really got me now- funny,happy song 8/10
** Bang a drum-Jon is the best-vocal,lyrics--great! 10/10
** Dyin' much of a livin'- very great-extra lyrics and climate 10/10
Two another songs are movie themes but they are good.
Rating: 10/10