lets get to the point
Hi there;
I just want to say that crush is not the best album by bonjovi, let’s say it’s just good!
I didn’t like most of the reviews I read about this album;they all seem to miss the point,first we must admit that songs like always and bed of roses and prayer will never appear again,but it doesn’t mean no more great songs will appear..
As for the songs on the album,it’s mylife is a good kickoff ,u can’t have a better start,a rocking song that fits perfectly the year 2000;but it’s a song that seems to be disposable, u throw it after u get bored from it..
Say it isn’t so is one of my favs,great lyric + new bj style I like it so much..really great one
Thank you for loving me…hummm…this is a song to put on when u r sitting in a garden watching butterflies and smelling roses,the lyrics in this song are so powerful and simple,the innocence in it is so clear,frankly this song is great
Two story town…most of the people who heard crush round hear,whether they were bj fans or not said that this is the best song on the album,well it’s not my opinion but I agree that this song is very good lyrically and superior musically,it’s an ear catching song,the rhythm is just natural,u feel like u heard this tune before..i love this song ..
Next 100 years,the intrance chorus is just amazing,then the lyrics seem to fade away and the sambo man talks,oh what the hell is this man doing?did u get the live version?richie can play anything on his guitar,I swear it,it seems that they worked so hard to make the music here,great song too
Just older…I donno,it’s a very honest song,it makes jon feel better I guess,but I just can’t feel the meaning coz I have a long way still to look at the mirror and see lines staring back at me,so I guess for me it’s all about the music here,good rocking song takes me back to u were born to be my baby
Mystery train,one of the best lyrics on the album,great guitar too…
Save the world!I have a problem with this song,when I hear it, it seems to be strong lyrically,but the elasticity in jon’s chorus kills me,I hate it so much when he says saaaaaaave the wooooorld,but I’m sure it would have fit armagedon more than i don’t wonna miss a thing although there’s no way to compare them,steven taylor was superior there!
Captain crash..this song really makes me laugh,so cute and light, I love jon’s goofs on stage while performing this one live
She’s a mystery…I love I love this song,really I do,great lyrics and great slow harmony so just think again of this song…
I got the girl…someone must have dropped this song by mistake!
One wild night,there’s a voodoo mojo brewing at the gogo!can anyone tell me whats the meaning of this line,I’m serious,if jon has suddenly became chineses tell me…but,if there is a song made for booging wooging and shaking ur asses this is it
This song is gonna make something when it’s released,they will love it I know
I could make a living out of loving u!it’s not a bj song!
Thank u for reading this,if there’s any kind of thought b efree to tell me about it !
Rating: 9/10