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"Bounce" Review 24 November 2002
8th Studio Album

I got my wish!!!!!!!

A review by WildistheWind /


I have been a Bon Jovi fan for the past 1 1/2 years.....In these years I have realised how cool BON JOVi was , is and forever will be...I hope they write more cool rock and roll songs.......

This is my first review of an album,though I have got all their albums lined up in my rack......Cos now they are my fav group along with U2...hmmmm....maybe one notch higher..

Bounce is definitely not their biggest album but definitely a grower....I can't keep it out of my player.....But I hope with the release of next singles it would definitely be one atleast commercialy.....

Here's the song by song review.......

1--UNDIVIDED........WOOOOOAH!!!!!! wwat a song.....It's got a heavy intro and that's exactly the best way to open an album.....It's a great song related to 9/11........All in all great guitars.. gr8 drums and superb vocals....While other stars have shot up their album sales with the 911 related songs, Bonjovi have held back the best song on the album.....Hats off to these men.....10+/10

2--EVERYDAY.........The first single .....I luv this song.....The riffs of richie's guitar sounds great and the bass is superb.....It's a good positive song and I'm gonna love this song everyday.......the lyrics that stand out for me are "I used to be the kind of guy who'd never let you look inside...." It's written by me....I think....hhehhehhehehe.....9.5/10

3--THE DISTANCE......When i heard the reminded me of Creed....But the song is just superb in every sense.....The lyrics sound great....The intensity in Jon's voice is fantabulous....The only thing missing is a guitar solo...." i keep on going ..keep on going"" 9/10

4--JOEY.......I hated this song when i first heard .......But it grew on me .......I tried to listen to the story.....I liked the story after hearing it about 10th time.....It took me that long cos the music was too good that i would forget to hear the story....Bravo Mr Bryan!!!!....maybe i should take a look at your Lunar eclipse!!!!!!8.5/10

5--MISUNDERSTOOD.....This is the second song I heard from bounce.....I luved the IIIIIIIIIIII..... part.....It sounded great....maybe a slow song but nevertheless a great song.....There are many instances that we can relate to in our life from this song.......It's kinda again written by me..."As the words slipped off my tongue, they sounded dumb
If this old heart could talk, it'd say you're the one "....It's basically wat happens with me........superb song.....I luv the chorus......for me it's a great single......I know many people won't agree.......10/10

6--ALL ABOUT LOVING YOU......The first ballad to me....cos i feel there are only 3 ballads , 4 rockers, 2 stories, and 3 mid tempo rockers...ok coming back to this could make a good wedding song.....But to me TYFLM is far better than this song.....The emotions never come when i hear this song......TYFLM made me a BJ fan after the it's my life mania died's a decent song....6/10

7--HOOK ME UP.....super rocker....!!!! one of my favs from the album.....great long intro followed by the superb "Hello"....great guitar work through out....richie u damn good in here.....wat i luv is the guitar may be a small one but it makes me jump all over the place.....and a stupendous'll be great to end a concert with this one......10+/10

8--RIGHT SIDE OF's a cowboy song......not the best by BJ.....i hear to it only on some particular moods.....good one but lacks melody in some places......Must be a filler in the album.....should have been replaced by a demo(anyone..all the demos by BJ are superb)....again a decent song....7.5/10

9--LOVE ME BACK TO's a good rock song....i like the riffs in the song....The lyrics is lacking something.....but music stands up for it.....for me it's "IN THESE ARMS" of Bounce......good one .....9/10

10--YOU HAD ME FROM HELLO.....the title might not sound good....this stuff is too cheesy.....But I luv it.....I luv the part "Everybody tries to kidnap your attention
You just smile and steal the show
You come to me and take my hand
We start dancin' slow ".....that's when i fell in love with this song....The acoustic guitar sounds great and is a welcome relief......basically it reminds me of DIAMOND RING......8.5/10

11--BOUNCE.....the title track rocks!!!!it's a son of it's my life and onewild night.....better produced than the above though.....the sad part is that it is very small.....apart from that i luv the lyrics.....Being be a footballer sometimes feels depressed after a loss..but these days this one helps me to bounce back and give more in the next game.....Thank you for this song.......10/10

12--OPEN ALL NIGHT--This is my fav ballad.....Cos it's something i can relate to.....I would luv to sing this song to one of my friends.....This one's perfectly written for me.....The "SAve me " part freezes me.......Thank you BJ!!!!! Some day I'll sing this song to her......10/10

All in all it;s a great album.....I feel they should have added more songs to the album as it is too small a record.....They should have brought in atleast 4 more songs.....And one more thing....They should have ended the album with a rocker....Though OAN is a great always makes me want to listen to UNDIVIDED again.....apart from that I'm satisfied with the album and is far better than CRUSH which is also a great album......Can't wait for next one....
feel free to comment on my review.......

Rating: 10/10

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