This is a great Bon Jovi albumn with a great variation and mix to it, there is a bit of sad stuff, uplifting stuff and above all an enthusiasm of bouncing back.
Undivided starts the albumn with a bang a complete song with an uplifting melody with a moving/reflecting ring to it, the best on the albumn- 10
Everyday continues the uplifting mood where Undivided left off with a harder rock base, great song- 10
The Distance is a favorite for me with the mix of hard rock and slower melodius verses with an erupting chorus- 10
Joey- Also one of my favorites, This is a great ballad and a superb song on the whole- 10
Misunderstood is a hard rock song with a great feeling to it, talks of a relationship, somewhere we all go, really great song- 10
All about lovin' you- Another favorite for me, talking of a love story, and reflecting on good and tough times, a brilliant song- 10
Hook me up- Hardest song on albumn with a sadder ring to it great feeling behind it and meaning, also a favorite, which most seem to be- 10
Right side of Wrong- One of Bon Jovi's greatest ballads, a brilliant song with an overwhelming brilliance especially from Ritchie with the solo, Something special-10
Love me back to life- A bit sad but also with the uplifting meaning and feeling, great lyrics- really easy to relate to-10
Had me from hello- A more simple song but brilliant, feeling of a love story really captured and very touching, a unique song on this albumn- probabely slowest and simplist but still brilliant-10
Bounce- Title of albumn and one of the best, captures feeling and meaning behind albumn, in very rocky way, something different too- it is really brilliant-10
Open all night- Saddest song on albumn, also brilliant, touch of class from Bon Jovi to end the alboumn- Also a great Ballad-10
Brilliant albumn on the whole, great depth with love, uplifting rock, and moving melodies, it isn't possible for a Bon Jovi albumn not to be 10/10.
Rating: 10/10