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Old 05-28-2015, 01:53 PM
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Iceman Iceman is offline
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The Distance
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It looks like Peter's forcing people to get the paid subscription for this site. He's added new scripts that redirect ad-blocker users away from Jovitalk. I'm guessing the increased amount of ads is related to this as well.

He doesn't seem to want to run the site, but he won't let anyone else run it either. We said we were happy to move the site to another country with cheaper servers (and pay the costs), but Peter wanted money, A LOT of money to "give up" the site. So, I guess this is his way of forcing people to choose to either pay to use this site or go somewhere else. A dick move, if you ask me, but it's his site.

D.Barry:"People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them."
M.Brooks: "If presidents can't do it to their wives, they do it to their country."

Only dead fish go with the flow.
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