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Old 06-08-2015, 03:03 PM
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Old Joysey Old Joysey is offline
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Originally Posted by Bounce7800 View Post
The problem with moving forums is you lose people if it's not the same address, and this board has a very big userlist (despite not so many being active).
I understand but right now this board is most likely losing a lot of older users who are fed up with being bombarded with ads + potential new users won't register for the same reason.

Additionally, I can't see why people in 2015 aren't browsing without any sort of adaware or pop up blockers. It's a must, not just for this site.
Pop-up blockers are included in browsers nowadays so that you normally don't need to add a more efficient one. Some time ago we, Jovitalkers, had to add AdBlockPlus to be able to navigate on the board and it worked for a very short while then the admin added a new script to redirect ABP users and make it impossible to connect to the board... unless you upload another add-on... until the admin find another way? This is getting crazy and not worth it.

On a side and personal note, ABP isn't good for me as it prevents me from watching some TV channels whose webmasters are smarter than the JoviTalker who keeps repeating in another thread that all I need to do is "tell" ABP which sites are not to be blocked by it but I'll say it again: it does NOT work with some. Some TV and radio pages demand a password or a FB account to allow you to access their streaming programs, it's the technical trick they came up with to oblige viewers to accept ads whatever pop-up software they use.
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