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Old 06-09-2015, 10:42 AM
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Iceman Iceman is offline
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now Peter's blocked the whole board from AdBlock users. I'm not willing to pay to use a messageboard and I can always fix my browser to bypass any protections, but I'm sure most people here can't.

So, this is effectively blackmail, you have to pay if you want to use the site. Which would've been fine, if it was a free choice, but it's not anymore.

Bad move. I'm all fot switching to another board, but it needs to be a unanimous decision, we don't need 10 different messageboards competing over who's where. And it should be run by someone who has experience in running messageboards. If tehre is one, let me know. This board isn't worth the effort.

D.Barry:"People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them."
M.Brooks: "If presidents can't do it to their wives, they do it to their country."

Only dead fish go with the flow.
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