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Old 08-08-2018, 05:06 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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The best part about this album was not knowing it was coming out... When Bon Jovi was truly in their mainstream prime, songs would just show up... I heard Blaze and instantly fell in love with that song... I didn't even know it was solo...

Then the album hit which basically defined my summer of 1990... I played it round the clock during our family vacation... To this day, my mother will still bring up that vacation when she hears Band A Drum.

Then Levon hit the radio which is basically just an extension of the album being it was all record during that back to back Blaze then Blood On The Bricks recording sessions...

Levon is my 11 track just like Edge is for Slippery...

I only wish they had more in the vault...The best they probably have are some outtakes... It was written and recorded so quickly, I doubt there are any other demos... Some of the solo songs from KTF and Box Set Leftovers are the closest things we have to that magic...

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