Originally Posted by Captain_jovi
I don't understand why everyone thinks it has such worldwide appeal though. Yes it's great that the hardcore fan base likes it (for now, the tides will turn in a few days/weeks as the buzz wears off and people become cranky again) but the idea of it being a rock song that turns heads? It's a very by-the-numbers track reminicesent in vibe of the type of song they've been doing since Shanks joined. It's HAND, it's Complicated, it's Thorn in My side, it's Brothers in Arms. It's still a good Bon Jovi song but it hasn't hit me to a point of "THE WORLD WILL KNOW BON JOVI IS BACK BECAUSE OF IT". There have been so many songs very close to this.
I mean, we are probably portraying our own satisfaction with the song and then wishing it does well.
Having said that, at least in Europe, I know bunch of people who, if given the chance to hear this song, will say okay nice one, not bad not bad. While with any other single since HAND (excluding HAND), it was either: meh, it's not my shit anymore, or it was, ewwww wtf is this.
Ofc it doesn't mean it will be a hit single by any stretch, but our standards have become so low that kind of rocky, upbeat and very catchy standard Jovi tune is now seen as salvation. For what it's worth, I'd rather enjoy the feeling a bit more