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Old 05-16-2024, 02:01 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
I agree that chances for global hit are very minimal if not theoretical. However, Jovi does have very large social media following as an iconic rock band. When you get a rocking single out, and if it's good song and solid promo push, it can have that word of mouth that Jovi is "back", that there is a cool new song out, his voice is back, blabla, positive momentum is possible and with this catchy chorus, song can get to somewhat HAND levels in catalog of band's music. For me, this scenario is already a dream, cause I left that hope after WAN basically.

Forget the charts, but streaming numbers and overall "mood" of fanbase is now very important. A song like that can have middling performance on radio, but plug in the new tour as more and more causal fans are drawn in. Let's not forget there are 24 million FB followers of Bon Jovi. Just tap in that pool, make most of them listen, and if they like it, it's a modern Jovi staple.

The trick is how to tap in those numbers, as most of them don't get Jovi news reelz on their feed. However, Jon did very smart with new documentary and there are more buzz in mainstream media now than ever since Sambora left at the minimum
While I don't disagree with any of these, out of those 24 million followers only a very small percentage of them will be interested in new music from Bon Jovi.

I love the optimism, and I'd love to be proved wrong but the chances of a proper worldwide hit, even the size of HAND are very slim. The Bon Jovi audience will buy the album, and I'm sure that this album will do better than 2020....but the days of hit singles for this band are gone in my opinion.
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Old 05-16-2024, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
While I don't disagree with any of these, out of those 24 million followers only a very small percentage of them will be interested in new music from Bon Jovi.

I love the optimism, and I'd love to be proved wrong but the chances of a proper worldwide hit, even the size of HAND are very slim. The Bon Jovi audience will buy the album, and I'm sure that this album will do better than 2020....but the days of hit singles for this band are gone in my opinion.
Fair enough. To be honest, if my money is on the table, I'd say it's not gonna be even a modest hit. But I do like the song and it's exciting time for a Jovi fan (finally) so no harm in hoping for a bit more
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Old 05-16-2024, 03:31 PM
tobi is an animal tobi is an animal is offline
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Originally Posted by Thinny View Post
I get your point but from a label point of view they are only interested in getting as high a chart position as possible, and therefore are only really interested in first week sales. That's why we often get 4 singles before a new album is released nowadays and maybe 1 or none afterwards. It's not like it was in the 80's, 90's and early 2000s. The album campaign just doesn't last for 2 years anymore. It will be a few months leading up to the album and maybe a month after the album and the campaign is dead as far as the label are concerned and won't be spending any money on things like more videos. It's just the way the industry has evolved.
yea, in todays musical climate Bon Jovi should have released six singles prior to releasing Forever. Singles get all the attention, Christmas Isn't Christmas has more streams than Blood In The Water.
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Old 05-16-2024, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi_cro View Post
I agree that chances for global hit are very minimal if not theoretical. However, Jovi does have very large social media following as an iconic rock band. When you get a rocking single out, and if it's good song and solid promo push, it can have that word of mouth that Jovi is "back", that there is a cool new song out, his voice is back, blabla, positive momentum is possible and with this catchy chorus, song can get to somewhat HAND levels in catalog of band's music. For me, this scenario is already a dream, cause I left that hope after WAN basically.

Forget the charts, but streaming numbers and overall "mood" of fanbase is now very important. A song like that can have middling performance on radio, but plug in the new tour as more and more causal fans are drawn in. Let's not forget there are 24 million FB followers of Bon Jovi. Just tap in that pool, make most of them listen, and if they like it, it's a modern Jovi staple.

The trick is how to tap in those numbers, as most of them don't get Jovi news reelz on their feed. However, Jon did very smart with new documentary and there are more buzz in mainstream media now than ever since Sambora left at the minimum
I don't understand why everyone thinks it has such worldwide appeal though. Yes it's great that the hardcore fan base likes it (for now, the tides will turn in a few days/weeks as the buzz wears off and people become cranky again) but the idea of it being a rock song that turns heads? It's a very by-the-numbers track reminicesent in vibe of the type of song they've been doing since Shanks joined. It's HAND, it's Complicated, it's Thorn in My side, it's Brothers in Arms. It's still a good Bon Jovi song but it hasn't hit me to a point of "THE WORLD WILL KNOW BON JOVI IS BACK BECAUSE OF IT". There have been so many songs very close to this.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 05-16-2024, 04:09 PM
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Originally Posted by tobi is an animal View Post
yea, in todays musical climate Bon Jovi should have released six singles prior to releasing Forever. Singles get all the attention, Christmas Isn't Christmas has more streams than Blood In The Water.
But it's a Christmas song. With a video. Of course it did. You can't compare a seasonal song to a track on an album where even the lead single got zero attention.

It also asks the question "What is a single"? Because it doesn't mean what it used to. Are we talking about a song pushed to radio with a video and promo behind it or dropping a song to streaming services. Like ALL of THINFS was listed as singles to some but really, were they?
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 05-16-2024, 04:40 PM
tobi is an animal tobi is an animal is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
I don't understand why everyone thinks it has such worldwide appeal though. Yes it's great that the hardcore fan base likes it (for now, the tides will turn in a few days/weeks as the buzz wears off and people become cranky again) but the idea of it being a rock song that turns heads? It's a very by-the-numbers track reminicesent in vibe of the type of song they've been doing since Shanks joined. It's HAND, it's Complicated, it's Thorn in My side, it's Brothers in Arms. It's still a good Bon Jovi song but it hasn't hit me to a point of "THE WORLD WILL KNOW BON JOVI IS BACK BECAUSE OF IT". There have been so many songs very close to this.
I don't think the point is to make the world know Bon Jovi, it's to try and bring back the people who knew Bon Jovi as a rock band but moved on when Jon moved on. Of course people will be cranky when they hear Kiss The Bride.
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Old 05-16-2024, 05:15 PM
tobi is an animal tobi is an animal is offline
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
But it's a Christmas song. With a video. Of course it did. You can't compare a seasonal song to a track on an album where even the lead single got zero attention.

It also asks the question "What is a single"? Because it doesn't mean what it used to. Are we talking about a song pushed to radio with a video and promo behind it or dropping a song to streaming services. Like ALL of THINFS was listed as singles to some but really, were they?
my point is this, Blood In The Water is currently at 2 million streams and could be at about 7 million if it was released as a single. If American Reckoning managed 7 million and Limitless managed 15 million than Blood In The Water could do at least 7 million imo. As pathetic as the the streaming numbers are for 2020 because the material was very weak, the songs with most the streams were the singles.

People can digest a new Bon Jovi single every 4 weeks or so more easily than a full album. I don't think you'll find an album on spotify where the singles don't have the most streams.
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Old 05-16-2024, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
I don't understand why everyone thinks it has such worldwide appeal though. Yes it's great that the hardcore fan base likes it (for now, the tides will turn in a few days/weeks as the buzz wears off and people become cranky again) but the idea of it being a rock song that turns heads? It's a very by-the-numbers track reminicesent in vibe of the type of song they've been doing since Shanks joined. It's HAND, it's Complicated, it's Thorn in My side, it's Brothers in Arms. It's still a good Bon Jovi song but it hasn't hit me to a point of "THE WORLD WILL KNOW BON JOVI IS BACK BECAUSE OF IT". There have been so many songs very close to this.
I mean, we are probably portraying our own satisfaction with the song and then wishing it does well.

Having said that, at least in Europe, I know bunch of people who, if given the chance to hear this song, will say okay nice one, not bad not bad. While with any other single since HAND (excluding HAND), it was either: meh, it's not my shit anymore, or it was, ewwww wtf is this.

Ofc it doesn't mean it will be a hit single by any stretch, but our standards have become so low that kind of rocky, upbeat and very catchy standard Jovi tune is now seen as salvation. For what it's worth, I'd rather enjoy the feeling a bit more
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Old 05-25-2024, 09:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Supersonic View Post
Aloha !

I don't think anything of this. This is Jon Bon Jovi pretending to give a shit about what the fans think by inviting the least critical people out there.

Salaam Aleikum,
Well, Look at the documentary: No one in his circle was critical about Jon.
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