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Old 10-19-2003, 10:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Jag
country rock band? in my view they have never stopped being a rock band, and the reworked hits doesnt change that opinion to me. the album started as an acoustic forumla, so naturally alot of the songs were gonna have a different feel to them. maybe cos i like my jazzy, mellow folk numbers that i was quite happily surpised with wot i heard. but lets face it, its a one time shot, good or bad the next album will be the usual rock stuff
That's probably 'cause you decided early on that you were going to support this album no matter what. But you should know that it's not a bad thing to change your original idea, when presented with something like this.

I'm appalled with the way they've treated the songs. And it's not even experimental, it's just boring. Always as arock version or KTF with a symphony orchestra-backing would be experimental, now it's just a country version of Bad Name and a whole lot of bad singing. They've ruined their own songs, and I never thought that would be possible.

As for the next record, I really hope you're right, but I won't be holding my breath.

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