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Old 04-21-2017, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
Out of curiosity, as I've read many people praising New Years Day live, what exactly is that you find so extraordinary about it live? This is not me bashing anyone for their opinion, I think it's awesome that a song can win people over and are genuinely interested in knowing what it was that grabbed you about hearing it live.
I mean, I get people being blown away by Thorn In My Side, LTOR, Any Other Day etc. live as they had some great arrangements and details added but for me New Years Day is pretty much the band standing on the stage playing a song that has been pretty disliked here. The speech before the song is very cool but the performance is nothing special in my book. Jon behind the mic stand smiling at certain times.

Once again, just a genuine question. I haven't seen this tour live so of course I'm a bad judge on how the new songs are coming across being there.

I may have missed the song being so disliked here, I always thought it was one of the most praised on the album. Other than a handful of members here voicing their differing opinion it's been pretty much universally praised. I for one love it, and it's one of the most listened songs on the album for me....
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