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Old 07-04-2009, 06:53 PM
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Captain Walrus Captain Walrus is offline
Tokyo Road
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Sometimes when reading reviews, I really can't help but feel that the reviewer is in a completely different universe to what I am, or at least listening to a completely different CD, which just happens to have the same title and song titles.

Although I accept the US / Europe divide, I don't really think you can call the 90s a failure for the band looking at it from any viewpoint. I doubt there are many bands that started in the first half of the 80s that continued to receive as much worldwide commercial success through the 90s as Bon Jovi (just about the only one that springs to mind is Metallica, and U2 if you count them as an 80s band) ... Def Leppard weren't, Iron Maiden weren't, Motley Crue weren't. I'd be hard pressed to see how Bon Jovi could possibly have been any bigger in the 90s. I guess it has to hurt, being shunned in your homeland, but I think that the band are a bit too hard on These Days.

One last thing, why does everyone keep referring to 1995 when TD was released as "the height of grunge"? The height of grunge was 1991 - 1992, it had pretty much given way to modern rock by that point

Sometimes you can just lay down
You can play the game
You can take the cards that they deal ya
And you can just pretend it's all over
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