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Old 11-12-2003, 10:07 AM
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Default A NBJ fan advice ....

My husband knows everything about the band because of me, but he's not a fan at all !

Yesterday evening i was listening to TLFR and he told me Wanted was great, he said listen to everything, each new sound, it's really well done, nothings wrong and the other version still exists, what they did is great, he said, us, bj fans, wanted something to bang our heads in the walls, we wanted something Rock and apparently, just a look at the back cover of the album, we should see they were more english pop oriented. No black leather, no Richie guitar solo, just something new, he also said Wanted was the only one with a really good work, the others weren't so good in his opinion. He was pretty shocked in fact when he heard LYHOM There is one of the song he said it was exactly the arrangement of a Beatles song (can't remember which one). For Prayer he said something like that was useless, no interest, just something mellow without any real changes. And Lay your hands and Bad Medecine will be perfect to dance in every club now people won't even know who is it, but we will have BJ in french clubs now He also found Bad Medecine quite good, something very insane in it ...
I found his advice interesting, remember he's not a jovi fan, he's someone objective and well, ...... he was not really happy i paid for this album
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