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Aftermath of The Lowdown, 6 years later

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Old 05-28-2018, 07:04 PM
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Originally Posted by liljovi93 View Post
It's one of them albums that always takes me back to a certain time in my life.
It took me some time to really get into the album and I guess the turning point was actually Richie's concert in Munich back in 2012. Really loved that one!

But I agree with you that some songs instantly take me back to a certain time and place - much more than any other album.

There's some stuff I never got into (like Taking A Chance On The Wind) and I think that World is trash, but the album has some really great moments.

I absolutely adore You Can Only Get So High, Seven Years Gone and Forgiveness Street and really like some other tunes as well.

Looking back on it a few years later is quite sobering because one couldn't really understand at the time of its release how much was really aimed at the band and his dissatisfaction with how everything had been going. Especially You Can Only Get So High shines in a completely different light then.

Last edited by bonjovi90; 05-28-2018 at 11:28 PM..
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Old 05-28-2018, 10:57 PM
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oh yeah want that vinyl box set version NOW!!!

Can't really stand RSO so me too gave this record random spins a while back. And yes indeed "Seven years" gots some TASTY playing and nice arrangements. Also this time around I got into "Learning How To..." too, its awesome rocker with strong lyrics. Heard "Forgiveness Street" first time ever a bit earlier this year and it sure should be on the album. I gotta give this LP a full spin soon!! =D

And yes, anyone, pm me for the vinyl thanks!
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Old 05-29-2018, 12:29 AM
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Seven Years Gone is far and away my favorite song on this album, and quite possibly my all-time favorite RS solo song. I also love You Can Only Get So High and Forgiveness Street (and I agree, leaving FS off of aftermath is like leaving Prayer off of SWW! What the hell Richie!)
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Old 05-29-2018, 12:40 AM
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I think it's a strong album and definetely stronger than What About Now. I always enjoyed Every Road Leads Home To You. It's very poppy, but it has a strong melody, nice lyrics and just feels fresh still today.
There are some dull moments - Taking a Chance, Sugar Daddy, World.
I never really got into Burn That Candle Down either. Just like I feel with Rise from the RSO album it just feels like a song that is written purely to be a "tough rocker" for the sake of it. It's not very strong and feels a bit forced.

Seven Years Gone, You Can Only Get So High, Always Walk Beside You, Weathering the Storm - all great songs. I remember enjoying those shows and looking back now those were the last great ones Richie did. In many ways that is what Aftermath and its period is for me. It's the last time we saw some true Richie quality. As soon as 2012 turned into 2013 nothing would be the same.
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Old 05-29-2018, 02:21 AM
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Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
I think it's a strong album and definetely stronger than What About Now. I always enjoyed Every Road Leads Home To You. It's very poppy, but it has a strong melody, nice lyrics and just feels fresh still today.
I forgot Every road... when it was even included in one version of What About Now album
I like this one live... -_-
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Old 05-29-2018, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
Looking back on it a few years later is quite sobering because one couldn't really understand at the time of its release how much was really aimed at the band and his dissatisfaction with how everything had been going. Especially You Can Only Get So High shines in a completely different light then.
Exactly. And then I believe he wanted to work more on promoting the album, regardless of the platform (be it interviews, shows, etc.) but got dragged back to Bon Jovi for WAN and the subsequent tour, and I believe that's what got him. At least in parts. They were just out of working The Circle + Greatest Hits and the tours, from 2009 to 2011 - I assume he wanted more time to focus on AOTL.

Alsdo, I had never seen this full show video before

As a frontman its sometimes a bit of a hit n' miss, but as a singer (and obviously guitar player) the man is... well, you know. Good.
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Old 05-29-2018, 11:10 AM
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Originally Posted by NicoRourke View Post
First, sorry for starting a new thread, I can't find the one dedicated to the album.

So I've been listening a lot to Richie's first three solo albums lately.
I'm not a big fan of what he does under the RSO banner, but I love his previous albums.

Now, AOTL if I remember correctly was received with mixed feelings right? Has this opinion changed the past 6 years?

The only stain on it is, in my opinion, the dreadful 'Sugar Daddy' and the bonus track 'Backseat Driver'.

but there are some gems in there, like 'Weathering the Storm' (besides that horrendous "shelter, food and sex" lyric), Seven Years Gone obviously, Learning "How to Fly With a Broken Wing" that (again in my opinion) rocks way more than anything from the Bon Jovi of the last decade.

What do you think?

Not listened to it for about 5 and half years. Think ive heard it about 3 times all the way through in total.
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Last edited by steel_horse75; 05-29-2018 at 11:13 AM..
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Old 05-29-2018, 03:16 PM
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I still listen to this album, and I've probably listened to it more than anything else BJ related since the early 2000s. I get the criticism on the production but it never really bothered me much. I adore Seven years gone, Broken Wings, Every Road, You Can Only get So High and Backseat Driver.
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Old 05-29-2018, 07:52 PM
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Originally Posted by NicoRourke View Post
...I wonder if - based on some of the songs and lyrics - that was the beginning of the split. A lot of the content seems (to me at least) that Richie was indeed fed up with the state of the band, the life away from family etc.

Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
...Looking back on it a few years later is quite sobering because one couldn't really understand at the time of its release how much was really aimed at the band and his dissatisfaction with how everything had been going. Especially You Can Only Get So High shines in a completely different light then.
I've said it before, I know; but when everybody was asking what happened and why he left the band, Richie tweeted "if you want to know my heart, listen to Aftermath". I listened to the entire album again, within that context, and I haven't been able to make it about anything else since then. To me, even the "shelter, food, and sex" line, that people complain about, seems to be part of an internal debate about whether all the luxuries that came with being in a hugely successful band like BJ were worth the sacrifices he was making, in terms of family and artistic expression, when all anybody really needs are the basics of survival.

Originally Posted by NicoRourke View Post
Exactly. And then I believe he wanted to work more on promoting the album, regardless of the platform (be it interviews, shows, etc.) but got dragged back to Bon Jovi for WAN and the subsequent tour, and I believe that's what got him. At least in parts. They were just out of working The Circle + Greatest Hits and the tours, from 2009 to 2011 - I assume he wanted more time to focus on AOT...
I can't help but wonder if things would be different, now, had Richie been given the opportunity to continue promoting AOTL on the BWC tour the way both he and Jon had said, prior to the tour, that he was going to. Knowing that he didn't want to tour again so soon after TC/GH tour, and assuming that it was partially because he wanted to promote AOTL, it seems reasonable to me that perhaps AOTL's continued promotion could have been part of the negotiations to get him to do a tour he had resisted. Especially in light of the fact that the only solo spot he was given during the first leg was to sing IBTFY, not something from AOTL; and that was, coincidentally, his last show with the band before he left.

I don't think it was, by far, the only reason he didn't show up in Calgary; but imo, it could very well have been a straw that broke the camel's back.
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Old 05-29-2018, 07:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim View Post
...Anyway, once it was clear that Forgiveness Street was not gonna be on there, I'd decided to wait until the price of the album drops. The price at Amazon is 22 bucks right now. Well.
I agree that FS is one of the best songs recorded for the album and I can't understand why it wasn't included, either. But to me, the rest of the album is definitely worth the price of admission.

Interesting that it's going for $22 now. Is that the standard edition or the Japanese release with BSD?

Originally Posted by DryCounty View Post
...I never really got into Burn That Candle Down either. Just like I feel with Rise from the RSO album it just feels like a song that is written purely to be a "tough rocker" for the sake of it. It's not very strong and feels a bit forced....
The similarity I hear between Rise and BTCD is the wall of sound that muffles the vocals and makes it sound like they were recorded on a cheap cassette recorder in the middle of a crowded room. It's obviously deliberate; but for the life of me I can't understand why! I like nice, clear recordings.
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