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Old 10-19-2014, 03:38 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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It's unfortunate that every disappointing effort from the past 14 years stems back to the lack of Jon's vocal efforts.

If this was 1990, What About Now would be a killer album because Jon would deliver it vocally with a different vibe which would change the songs completely.

And the same goes if the situation was reversed. All those killer hit songs Jon sang back in the day would fall flat and wouldn't be sung the same way which would change the overall vibe. Basically TLFR would be end result of all those gems. Can you imagine if Jon sang BOR in 2004 and the result was what we got in 2004. It wouldn't even be the same song.

A song like Pictures Of You could be a Soul Truth if it was sung back in 1992. Sad but True.
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