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Old 01-20-2020, 12:50 AM
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Rdkopper Rdkopper is offline
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What The **** was that? This is just wrong on so many levels. I took a break to get some hype for the new album and tour, and I come back to this shit?

What the hell happened to JBJ? If I found someone who never heard of Bon Jovi before and played them Access All Areas and then played them this show, they would never believe that they were once one in the same...

Jon always had the Cool Factor and this is just wrong. Is he trying to be a 75 year old politician and football team owner with a part time job as a rock star?

Guys like Tom Cruise and Rob Lowe are Jon's age so his current style just needs to go. A simple haircut and Just For Me Shampoo is all I ask for. And no, it's not about the music anymore. If Jon was still a cool mother fuxker, I'd forgive him for the shitty music...

Second, if surgery is out of the question, he needs a new vocal coach or just needs to quit these live performances... These songs are soooo slowed down. He can't keep up and it's a combination of baby talk with mumbled lyrics. It's beyond the point of enjoyment. Even the Old Time Rock and Roll hip shaking dancing. I mean come on Jon!!!

This is not the cool rock star who I wanted to be when I grew up...

Yeah, I'll get the new album and go to the local shows but besides those few events, I'm done!!! I so hope that I hear the new songs from the album before I get to hear them live.

Go write another song about Trump Jon!!! And watch the Golden Globe intro while you're at it!!!

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