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Old 01-12-2025, 03:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
The thing about ILTT is it operates on the same parameter as WGIGO. Where We Got It Going On existed as Jon's "platform in to the audience song (which arguably could be done as any song with that tempo, I guess) ILTT is straight up pandering.

They used it for easy applause, the screens would show jerseys of that town's sports team, they would flash the name of the city. I think it's incredibly pandering and easy clapping but my god it worked. People ate it up at the shows I saw and the people with the biggest problem were the ones who were sick of the song being shoved at them tour after tour. So...50 people maybe.

It's not about being clueless, they're serving a part of the audience that likes fireworks and happy endings not people who know they have better songs. Just my take on it.
100% agree with this. I'd add Captain Crash to the same category - not a great song but the audience generally love it.
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