Originally Posted by sambos apprentice
man made the church what it is today.
as for how it started...well that was jesus and st peter.
why deny jesus because you disagree with human politics?
i too have alot of issues with regards to the church but i would nt be so foolish as to turn my back on it( not that you have..just speaking personally)
have you any belief in god?
this is interesting..tell me to beat it if you like 
No No No & No.
I do believe Jesus existed as a nobal man, he probs would won the nobel prize. Its the Mandela of nowadays, but Mandela isn't really fair as he gives only money and benefits to its own triat/group. jesus wasn't the son of god untill 300 years after his death. Oh I had so much school in church when I was a kid.
God wasn't there, and isn't there. Its just the same as saying spiderman excist, or Santa Claus is real.
I do some people need a religon to hang on to. But its too good to be true and never ever any indicated of God was given.
And if God excist then he ins;t god and you all worshipping Satan. Just go to Niger, or most other countries in Africa. Go to Iraq.
I've seen people die up close of cancer and having an awfull ending, meaning weeks. Where was God.
Church on crucify (not sure if that's the correct word), where was God.
9/11 where was god?
My best friend having Aids, where is God.
every 5 seconds a child dies of poverty, where is god.
etc etc
If he excist he's a son of a bitch and not worth the worshipping.
(and I mean any god of any religion)