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Old 06-07-2019, 06:01 PM
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One of my favourite speeches as well, I know it word for word by now

"When I was a little kid I sat in front of thje TV and I was thinking about, now it's time to say goodbye, I don't know why but, I guess I was trying to lighten up the idea that it was finally time for us to pack it in. And I knew we were gonna be headin off on a long journey for about two or three years. And Umm.. just want you to know that the journey up to now, the first thirteen years has been pretty amazing, and that's because you guys made it amazing for us. It's one of those things that if you don't laugh you cry so, so you gotta try to lighten it up, but...see a lot of guys come out here and it's like joining the run away from home for awhile , you go out and you chase the setting sun around the world and back again and then they pack it up and they move it on to the next city. And we...we come out here and we believe every night up here on the stage, and it's cause we are all chasing that circus dream. And so uh..I guess all I can do is wish that you have as much fun on your journey and your circus dreams as we've had, and uh, just know that you know what? We're gonna be back so we'll see ya in a few.
Something for the diehards, this is called These Days"

- Jon Bon Jovi, Olympic Stadium, Helsinki, Finland, July 19th, 1996
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