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Old 02-05-2024, 12:36 PM
Slick_Gilbert Slick_Gilbert is offline
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Originally Posted by bonjovi90 View Post
That user is a very, let's say special, kind of follower.
Could well be true, but I wouldn't call a video where Jon points at his throat while looking at her "discussing their vocal surgeries". You literally see them for like 3 seconds and don't hear one word over the crowd noise.
"Special"...? Okay. Haha. Idk what that means. I'm just a massive fan. That's me on Twitter though. Anyways, it was from a video of Jon speaking to an interviewer. But it was so chopped up and context could have actually been him talking about somebody else. But Jon says direct "I needed an operation..Who was there for me? .music cares was there for me" Again, might be him giving an example of someone who needed help and music cares helped them. But that's what I remembered hearing in a short clip. I just watched it again.
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