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Old 11-24-2018, 08:05 PM
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Managed to do 3 in the past 24 hours.

I've had an absolute nightmare of a week. My dog died last Friday, my laptop done an update and I lost everything (I managed to get files back eventually) but Microsoft had no idea what the problem was so I had no laptop for a few days and I've also been ill so hectic week really.

The three I've done are similar to the first in terms of topic. Kind of just going off the cuff at the moment as I've not really planned any of these with people. It's literally been 'i can do one now' and we go into it.

I do plan to do certain topics. I don't want it getting stale or about the same things over and over again.

Brian (Dolph7800) was on with me earlier. Unfortunately, the signal wasn't great so the sound keeps going on and off and his microphone was quite quiet unfortunately so hopefully, we can do another one at some point that's a bit better. I'll still post the one from today up, though. I'm just doing this for fun so if people listen, they listen.

Enjoying these at the moment. It's good to speak to different fans and hear some stories and opinions.

Just exporting Episode 2 now. Hopefully stick that up this evening.

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Bon Jovi - Old Trafford - June 26th 2003
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 4th 2006
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 22nd 2008
Bon Jovi - Old Trafford Cricket Ground - June 24th 2011
Bon Jovi - City Of Manchester Stadium - June 8th 2013
Bon Jovi - Slane Castle - June 15th 2013
Bon Jovi - Hyde Park - July 5th 2013
Bon Jovi - London Palladium - October 10th 2016
Excuse me, has anyone got a bottle of orange juice?!

Not afraid of Burning Bridges, cause I know they're gonna light my way...
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