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Old 03-11-2019, 03:21 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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I thought this was a brilliant idea from the first time you mentioned it; but sometimes I'm a slow-starter so I'm just now getting on board with your podcasts.

I chose to start with the one you did with Andy (Jeeper) because he always raises interesting points in our interactions here and I wanted to hear what else he might have to say.

Besides now being able to associate a voice with his name (and yours), I found it quite different to hear some of your respective views versus reading them because so much can be lost in written communication - inflection, humor, emphasis, etc. It was well worth the time spent listening and I appreciate both of you taking the time to share your thoughts.

I have to add that your snippet game at the end of the podcast is positively evil! I only got 3 right (and had to cover my ears and "la-la-la" to do that so I wouldn't hear Jeeper's answers, because he was so quick on the draw)!
Now I'm really excited about listening to the others and hearing from future guests. Nice work!
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