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Old 09-14-2002, 03:19 PM
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Default Re: cd:uk performance

Originally Posted by Little Runaway 76

I highly doubt you'd be able to cope with flying 34 hours and do tv appearances more or less as soon as the plane has landed.
I agree, I probably wouldn't be very good. But then again, if I had done it for the last 20 odd years etc etc I might have been able to.

Next point is that was the first UK performance (correct me if I'm wrong) and the single is out next week. Hardly a way to sell records when you let your jetlag show and smile about once!
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Old 09-14-2002, 03:42 PM
Pauly Pauly is offline
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Im afraid i have to agree,the performance this morning was no way near how BonJovi usually perform, and considering that was the first performance on uk tv and the single is out on monday,that was no way to promote it,i think its because it costs a lot of money to perform live so because he was singing to a backing tape the band as a whole still couldnt get into it,but still if thats the case they shouldve just played the video,it was a shame.
Pisses me off!
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Old 09-14-2002, 03:54 PM
Little Runaway 76 Little Runaway 76 is offline
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Default Re: cd:uk performance

Originally Posted by ste5131
Originally Posted by Little Runaway 76

I highly doubt you'd be able to cope with flying 34 hours and do tv appearances more or less as soon as the plane has landed.
I agree, I probably wouldn't be very good. But then again, if I had done it for the last 20 odd years etc etc I might have been able to.

Next point is that was the first UK performance (correct me if I'm wrong) and the single is out next week. Hardly a way to sell records when you let your jetlag show and smile about once!
That has nothing to do with it.Jet lag is still jetlag even if you're in the limelight that the band are.For all you know,they may have only landed here early this morning and NOT had time to rest up enough before doing the show.
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Old 09-14-2002, 04:19 PM
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Yep it wasnt their best performance but it certianly wasnt their worst in 20years. After this amount of time and their age maybe its harder for them to judge what they can cope with and when they should rest, they are not 20 anymore. We all have our rough feeling days.

I still enjoyed it, I do think it was a tape from last week, due to the link in and they were wearing exactly the same clothes. Which ws a shame, as Id seen posts of people saying they had gone and got tickets to see the show as they thought they were playing live.

Hope when they come for the Shepherds Bush gig then we will get a better recording of the single on TOTPS. Be good if they could do a special recording like they did for TOTPS 2 and the Crush album.

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Old 09-14-2002, 04:54 PM
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I didn't think it was all THAT bad. But I did notice the jet lag! And the clothes! Also thought Jon had a bit of a problem reaching the high notes.
If James were'd be a hit!!!!!!
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Old 09-14-2002, 05:08 PM
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On Backstage someone said it was taped last week which would explain it as I think they had literally gotten off the plane and went to tape the show. Also, I don't think they do well playing with the recorded tracks- the Giants Stadium performance wasn't the best either yet Times Square was fantastic.
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Old 09-14-2002, 05:23 PM
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The performance was recorded last Saturday. The guys flew here the friday (day b4 Wembley), i watched the interview last week and it was stated that they came direct from the airport.
The performance was alright but hey, its UK tv, UK tv is pretty rubbish when it comes to music performaces.
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Old 09-14-2002, 05:34 PM
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It is obvious the reasons why the performance from Jon (the rest of the band seemed really up for it, even if it was a backing tape) - jetlag & extreme tiredness (he looked like he just wanted to lie down & go to sleep).

LR76 - I don't think anyone is disputing the reasons for the performance, however, this still doesn't alter the fact that the performance was below par - which is the impression many viewers will get of BJ's live performance. I think they'd have been better off cancelling it, or giving Jon a few caffine tablets.

Thats my opinion


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Old 09-14-2002, 05:52 PM
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Bon Jovi are back at CDUK today recording some songs for future shows.
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Old 09-14-2002, 07:32 PM
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I was just going to write that Yvonne,your right they are back at CDUK 1pm recording songs for future programmes, I think thats what confused everybody and they then expected it to be live on tv today.

You can see what Jovi are up to today in th UK on the Daily Grind over at
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2002, cd:uk

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