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Old 09-15-2002, 04:50 PM
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It wasn't actually live yesterday morning - that was taped last week after their interview, when they were suffering from jetlag. I'm definitely agreement that it was not a good performance at all - Jon did not look comfortable or seem to even enjoy it!! If I remember correctly I think someone who was there last Saturday said they actually did the song 2 or 3 times until Jon was happy with it - what on earth did they throw away?!

However, by all accounts the show they recorded yesterday afternoon was amazing, so it was obviously just a one off. This should air next weekend.
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Old 09-15-2002, 09:19 PM
krb102 krb102 is offline
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So what is a good excuse for it then?For christ sake,they'd only just got off the plane when they had to record that performance.I'd like to see you do better straight after getting off a plane and from a 10 hour flight from America to here.
Nobody can be expected to be on top form when they've just got off a long haul flight and have to go straight into a tv studio to do a performance.
Obviously you haven't suffered with jetlag and don't know just how tired you feel from it.
It looks lke I will have to spell it out for you cos you don't seem to be getting it. It seems that they don't have a reason for performing badly. I have been on 8 long haul trips in the last two years, jet lag isn't as bad as everybodt is making it out to be; they were tired, but they should've been able to perform better than they did for just three minutes.
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Old 09-15-2002, 09:49 PM
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krb, you're so predictable. Every time you reply in this section of the site, before I read your reply, I know it's going to be rude, downward, or..well..something that people aren't going to like. I guess we can really read you like a book! Now, it's obvious that you're going to reply to this message too..and if you don't, that's because I pointed out that you would, and you're going to try and prove me wrong.

For everyone else:
I've seen the guys live before, and they can do much better..ESPECIALLY JON. He really did seem tired and everything and it's kinda' sad...when you think about his daily routine.
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Old 09-15-2002, 10:23 PM
krb102 krb102 is offline
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Most people weakness on this board is that they can't accept any critisism of the band.
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Old 09-16-2002, 12:53 PM
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We do except criticism, most of us have agreed that the guys were tired when playing that morning. Your arguement seems to be that jet lag isnt that bad and not a reason why the guys should be tired.

Maybe its not jetlag, maybe its the schedule. The guys made a point of saying they had just flown in. Let me tell you when you hit 30 + you do get more tired and the damn bags under your eyes are more noticable. Its called ageing!!!!!!!.
You got to remembr they are not 22 year olds anymore ,they are 40, this will make a difference to what they can handle.



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Old 09-16-2002, 12:58 PM
Little Runaway 76 Little Runaway 76 is offline
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Nicely said Dawn.If I remember rightly,didn't Jon say they'd only just landed a couple of hours prior to appearing on cduk?
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Old 09-16-2002, 05:53 PM
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Another thought I had when someone said they taped it three times to get that less than stellar performance is that maybe things weren't the way Jon needed them to be combined with jetlag and I suspect a hangover from celebrating the night of the 5th with the Sopranos after Times Square. Jon is such a perfectionist, he probably was unhappy with the performance and it showed. Anyway, they made up for it later. No jetlag is not a disability (I work with people with real disabilities) but haven't we all had a less than great day at work. The only difference is when Jon has one it's in the public eye. And for health providers like me it means I could be sued- LOL! So for many of us failure is not an option- not just rock stars.
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2002, cd:uk

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