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Old 10-31-2003, 04:33 PM
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Anyone know when its on VH1 UK?
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Old 10-31-2003, 05:45 PM
BoNjOvIbabee BoNjOvIbabee is offline
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Originally Posted by BonJoviBOUNCE02
Originally Posted by Becky
It was really more about the competition between the 6, the last 2, and then the winner. The band was throughout the program, but it was primarily about the fans.

There were some funny parts with the band, like them giving her a hard time when she was telling them which van they were supposed to ride in (Jon and Richie ride together; Dave, Tico, and Hugh ride together). They really seemed to have a good time with her and made her feel good. She ended the show saying they were like her buddies.

I was really jealous of her. Although, I didn't realize how much work it really is. They treat the road managers like ****. I would do that job in a heart beat. I'll do laundrey, anything for that job.

That would be such a great job...And laundrey doesn't seem that bad! I mean, I do it all the time anyway and doing Bon Jovi's would be funny...I would probably like shrink something, though, knowing me.
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Old 10-31-2003, 07:59 PM
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I have to tell you, I was really jealous after I watched that show. I couldn't go to sleep for hours after that, I was so mad. See, I kinda got screwed when I tried to enter that contest. One of my Unfortuantely, she kept changing plans on me and kept postponing the taping that finally I was so fed up with her that it was 2 days before the contest ended, and I called her up and cancelled the whole thing (it probably was too late by then anyway). And then I saw the show last night and I was so mad!!!!
Trisha had the time of her life. And I sure would pick up their dirty laundy, hell, I'll throw it in my suitcase and take it home with me! LOL
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Old 10-31-2003, 11:32 PM
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I was a bit disappointed at the beginning. They started the show off with contests and scavenger hunts, and i thought that the whole show was going to be just the competition but it wasn't YAY! Besides that it was an all right show -- could've used a bit more concert footage, but i'm not complaining; they showed some great interactions between the band and Trisha.

I think they only showed Hugh twice on the plane and going out onto the stage. On the plane it looked like he was so isolated from the band, sitting over on this side while the whole band is on the other side in booths...and with his sunglasses on, it looked like he wasn't supposed to be there; as if he just snuck on the plane when everyone was searching for the box thing.

Besides that, i'm glad i saw it :P
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Old 10-31-2003, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MoosieFate
but it wasn't YAY! Besides that it was an all right show -- could've used a bit more concert footage, but i'm not complaining; they showed some great interactions between the band and Trisha.

I think they only showed Hugh twice on the plane and going out onto the stage. On the plane it looked like he was so isolated from the band, sitting over on this side while the whole band is on the other side in booths...and with his sunglasses on, it looked like he wasn't supposed to be there; as if he just snuck on the plane when everyone was searching for the box thing.

Besides that, i'm glad i saw it :P
same here
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Old 10-31-2003, 11:55 PM
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Originally Posted by MoosieFate
I think they only showed Hugh twice on the plane and going out onto the stage. On the plane it looked like he was so isolated from the band, sitting over on this side while the whole band is on the other side in booths...and with his sunglasses on, it looked like he wasn't supposed to be there; as if he just snuck on the plane when everyone was searching for the box thing.

Besides that, i'm glad i saw it :P

Yeah, poor Hugh. He had NO say in who won the contest. They let the manager guy break the tie. Although, part of me suspects they did that on purpose so the band didn't really make the decision and the guy who'd spent the most time with the girls did.

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Old 11-01-2003, 02:47 AM
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Originally Posted by ShaSha
Originally Posted by Mousebounce
I forgot that it was on. Repeats any time soon?
Friday, October 31 11:00 AM Bon Jovi: Command the Band
Monday, November 3 1:00 AM Bon Jovi: Command the Band
Monday, November 3 2:00 PM Bon Jovi: Command the Band
Tuesday, November 4 7:00 PM Bon Jovi: Command the Band

Thank you! I will have to check it out.
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Old 11-01-2003, 09:43 PM
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Anyone know when its on VH1 UK?
Well, I wonder if we will be able to watch it... I am really dying to see it...I've just read a post from Kathy and OMG!!! What a great experience!!!

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Old 11-01-2003, 10:01 PM
casbren casbren is offline
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Originally Posted by Becky
Originally Posted by MoosieFate
I think they only showed Hugh twice on the plane and going out onto the stage. On the plane it looked like he was so isolated from the band, sitting over on this side while the whole band is on the other side in booths...and with his sunglasses on, it looked like he wasn't supposed to be there; as if he just snuck on the plane when everyone was searching for the box thing.

Besides that, i'm glad i saw it :P

Yeah, poor Hugh. He had NO say in who won the contest. They let the manager guy break the tie. Although, part of me suspects they did that on purpose so the band didn't really make the decision and the guy who'd spent the most time with the girls did.

Great show! I missed seeing Huey more too. He would have been a good one to break the tie. But why make the band look like they had to do the dirty deed? I have to admit I was a bit shocked to see the two guys eliminated from the get go. But in the long run I think Trisha did a great job.
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