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Old 01-19-2006, 06:07 PM
Senior Member
Hardest Part is the Night
Join Date: 25 Sep 2005
Location: Nowhere U.S.A.
Age: 40
Gender: female
Posts: 252

I agree with you alot. I do like other artists alot and have gone through phases with some of them. But ever since 2000, when everyone was talking about this band called Bon Jovi that was "coming back" and my best freind told me all about them, who they were, sang me some of their old songs, and I started hearing It's My Life all the time, I've been connected, and it always comes back to them. I'll get interested in other artists and other things and then I'll be reminded of them somehow, hear a song, see a comercial advertising something to do with them, or see a show that theyre on, or someone talks about them, whatever, it always comes back to them.

Altho I've never seen them live, I've heard and read the best about their shows and I plan to go someday when I can. Provided they'll still be recording and touring for a long time to come.
Which I think they will. I don't know why but especially Jon, I think when I see him, there's just something in him that tells you that there's still more where this is coming from and he's not gonna be done for quite some time. Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry I am rambling but you gave me the oppurtunity so I took
In a world that gives you nothin', we need somethin' to believe in

Oh Rock 'n' roll ain't noise pollution
Rock 'n' roll ain't gonna die
Rock 'n' roll ain't no pollution
Rock 'n' roll ain't gonna die

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