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Old 08-30-2007, 12:04 AM
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Default Crush & Bounce

I have been listening to these two CD's again recently.

Well I have suprised myself a bit. I actually really like 'Crush' and I like 'Bounce' too but would if given the choice have changed the track listing to make the CD flow better.

Am I alone in not liking 'Save the world' am I correct in stating that John wrote this for the Armagedon movie?

Just seems too cheesy to me and would have been better replaced with 'Stay' or 'Real life' etc.

I don't remember disliking this song before but I have to skip that one.
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Old 08-30-2007, 12:09 AM
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Crush is an awesome album i think for the time of its release...its obviously no New Jersey or Keep The Faith but for where they were with their career etc... i think its great and its got many highlights on it... i think its better than any of the albums which have been released since then...

Bounce is allright...not amazing...but its got some gd songs on...
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Old 08-30-2007, 12:36 AM
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Crush i have never really gotten in to. but kudos because it has the last great 6 minute plus song from bon jovi - next 100 years. i miss those songs with massive guitar solos. they should have one track per album that is 6 minutes+ let richie stretch his legs - or fingers so to speak... Also i would say it is best listened to whilst driving on a sunny day. it enhances the listen about 10 times for me, don't ask me why!

Bounce i have a soft spot for because that was my first bon jovi album. but after i got all the others it did cheapen it a bit. saying that, you never forget your first time... so Bounce will always be a special one for me (aww sentimental fool lol)

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Old 08-30-2007, 12:37 AM
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To me Crush is a great rock album.
I know that's not a popular opinion, but it always has been one of my favorites (as anyone who reads my sig can see).
As for the "Save The World" I don't love it, but I'll listen to it every once in a while.
As for Bounce, I don't hate it, but it has very distinct ups and downs.
*8/7/03 12/21/05 7/18/06 10/28/07 11/9/07 11/10/07 2/12/08 7/12/08 7/14/08 7/15/08 11/15/09 (JBJ Solo) 5/26/10 5/27/10 5/29/10 7/9/10 7/24/10 2/24/11 2/25/11 3/5/11 5/6/11 5/20/12 7/25/13*
New Jersey/Keep The Faith/Slippery When Wet/Crush/These Days/The Circle/Have a Nice Day/What About Now/Lost Highway/Bounce/Bon Jovi/7800*Farenheit
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Old 08-30-2007, 01:50 AM
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Even as a longtime fan I always liked Crush - it's not a heavy album but it's a whole lot of fun album. Good enough for me.

I hated Bounce upon my first listening except for Undivided. I have come to like a few more of the tracks but as an album - bah - keep it. I liked some of the demos on the Target Bounce CD better than what was on the album. I wasn't even that fond of the Bounce tour - which is saying a lot for me - the live concert junkie LOL.

I probably listen to Bouce the least of all the albums except for TLFR - that never gets listened to.


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Old 08-30-2007, 02:02 AM
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Just been thinking more about Bounce.
Basically, it has a few songs I really like (The Distance, Misunderstood, Joey, Right Side Of Wrong, Bounce)
A couple I don't mind (Undivided, You Had Me From Hello)
And a bunch of songs that I rarely, if ever, listen to (All About Lovin' You, Everyday, Hook Me Up, Open All Night, Love Me Back To Life)
It's a really weird mix.
*8/7/03 12/21/05 7/18/06 10/28/07 11/9/07 11/10/07 2/12/08 7/12/08 7/14/08 7/15/08 11/15/09 (JBJ Solo) 5/26/10 5/27/10 5/29/10 7/9/10 7/24/10 2/24/11 2/25/11 3/5/11 5/6/11 5/20/12 7/25/13*
New Jersey/Keep The Faith/Slippery When Wet/Crush/These Days/The Circle/Have a Nice Day/What About Now/Lost Highway/Bounce/Bon Jovi/7800*Farenheit
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Old 08-30-2007, 04:27 AM
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I think I'm the only one that LOVES Save The World. It's my favorite song on Crush. I really like Bounce as well but have to agree that songs like Postcards From The Wasteland, Breathe, We Can Dance, Another Reason To Believe, are betterh than some of the songs that did make the cut.

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Old 08-30-2007, 05:02 AM
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Love me back to life i reaaaaalllyy like

i really like both albums actually

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Old 08-30-2007, 05:16 AM
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It' kind of weird for me. There are some days that I really like listening to Bounce. **** the flow, there are some great songs on there, I think it maybe a bit to bombastic in some place, and the diversity of it might make it a bit hard to listen to all the way through for some, but I really like it. And to top it all of, one of my favorite songs on it, it's one of the most hated on here (Open All Night). Also, Undivided stands as one of my favorite post-2000 songs.

Crush, it's a lot of fun in some places, I actually just realized while listening to the entire album again how good it really is, and how it only fails on certain spots like she's a mystery and save the world, but not because these are bad songs, just because they somehow make the album too soft in the middle part.

All this is IMHO.
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Old 08-30-2007, 03:52 PM
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Crush is my personal least favourite BJ album, but that doesn't mean I think it's bad. And it was obviously a fantastically successful album to release at the time. There are definitely things I like about it: it's got some good songs, and as has already been said, it's their last album so far to have an average song length higher than 4 minutes 30 seconds (I think). It's a good album for new fans, but once you've heard their back catalogue, you start to realise things like how much It's My Life "borrows" from Prayer, and the same with Just Older and Blood On Blood ... or how Next 100 Years wants to be Dry County but falls short, etc. The most interesting songs I reckon are the ones that try something a bit new: Two Story Town, Say It Isn't So, Captain Crash, Mystery Train, and to an extent Thank You For Loving Me (a more strings than guitar driven ballad) and One Wild Night (with its stop-start dynamics). I'm also not too keen on the way the album just sort of disintegrates in the second half ... there are a fair few demos that would have made for a better flow. Of course, that does become a little understandable when you think about how many changes the album went through since it started off as JBJ's third solo album

Bounce has a special place, as it was about the time that it was first announced that I really started becoming a fan. I agree that its a bit schizophrenic and messy (and the production is far from the best), but there's a great feel of experimentalism to it ... the heavier songs like Undivided and Hook Me Up sitting alongside the epic ballads like Right Side and Joey alongside the more heavier epics like The Distance and Love Me Back To Life. I'd say it was fearless, apart from the fact that nearly all of it is put into the "short song, obvious structure" template ... although not all of it, as the fading out of instruments on Undivided or the sudden cutting out of Hook Me Up shows. While it's not nearly as a complete album as HAND, it takes more risks than that album does, and I gotta admire it for that

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