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Old 04-05-2020, 06:42 PM
JackieBlue JackieBlue is offline
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Originally Posted by jazzsta View Post
...I just point out that yes there is a lot of subtlety to discuss about the actual threat that the virus poses and the actual consequences of our responses.

But this discussion is not taking place. 95% of people take for granted a certain kind of black and any argument towards something more ... grey, is instantly perceived as white... I urge the people to be informed about different opinions on this (and any) subject...

Cheers everyone and be well
For the record, I'm with you.

I would only add that people who are truly concerned should probably look to sources other than mainstream news broadcasts for information. Those outlets are geared toward sensationalism, and typically present only the facts (often taken out of context) that support their agendas. They tend to downplay, or totally disregard, anything that might shine a different light on the subject.

I see nothing irresponsible in what David has said to date. I'm still not sure why people object to comments that offer some reassurance, but don't deny the seriousness of the situation or the need for caution. IMO, we need to be reminded that not everyone will be infected; not everyone who is infected will die; and, in the vast majority of cases, those who are infected will experience mild symptoms, if any.
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