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Def Leppard & BJ have the same release date...

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Old 07-09-2005, 10:27 PM
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The main problem with Euphoria is that it's sound is exactly whjat they did in the 80's except not as good, and that exactly what makes me cringe about the album.
With X in my opinion the band lost a lot of credibility, it sounds like they were triyng to hard to have a hit and loosing their integrity in the way, plus the fact that 2 songs on X didn't have anything to do with DL in a songwriting sense and I thought that was completely lame.

Though Slang is one of my all time favorite albums, I wouldn't compare it to Crush of Bounce or TLFR, but to These Days for the era it was released in, and Having said that These Days is 10x times better than Slang.
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Old 07-09-2005, 11:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Javier
The main problem with Euphoria is that it's sound is exactly whjat they did in the 80's except not as good, and that exactly what makes me cringe about the album.
Euphoria is one of the best rock albums ever. There's hardly a weak travk on it. Even the demos rock.

These Days is 10x times better than Slang.
I'd rather listen to Slang.

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Old 07-10-2005, 02:23 AM
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The main problem with Euphoria is that it's sound is exactly whjat they did in the 80's except not as good, and that exactly what makes me cringe about the album.
Euphoria is one of the best rock albums ever. There's hardly a weak travk on it. Even the demos rock.
Slang is also one of my favourite albums of all time and I would like their next album to be more in this direction, at least with the songwriting and Euphoria is certainly a great album, with there are no weak tracks on there IMO. As their recent albums stand, they are consistantly good when not compared to the time they were released. Even if I do feel let down by either a Def Leppard or a Bon Jovi album, I just think to myself that its still better than most of the current stuff out there.

These Days is 10x times better than Slang.
I'd rather listen to Slang.
Slang and These Days are way to different to be compared.
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Old 07-10-2005, 03:55 AM
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Originally Posted by david2k86
I really blame the Alrenalize album for Def Leppards status today.
It definitely killed my interest in Def Leppard.

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Old 07-10-2005, 03:43 PM
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I hate Slang. There is only one good song on it which is 'All I want is Everything', the rest of it is unlistenable. I think this was the album that ruined it for Leppard. They tried to go 'grunge' and turned off alot of their fans for going to far in the wrong direction. They then tried to revert back to the waythey were, by which time alot of the fans had lost interest.
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Old 07-11-2005, 12:08 AM
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Def Leppard were good for a short while. I've only listened to Pyromania and Hysteria in any great detail, but I think the same producer (can't remember his name) did those two albums and without him DL weren't as good. I don't know all that much about them, but I think they used to write most of their songs in the studio, and without a good source of input they were crap.

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Old 07-11-2005, 02:03 AM
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Originally Posted by JoviForever
I hate Slang. There is only one good song on it which is 'All I want is Everything', the rest of it is unlistenable. I think this was the album that ruined it for Leppard. They tried to go 'grunge' and turned off alot of their fans for going to far in the wrong direction. They then tried to revert back to the way they were, by which time alot of the fans had lost interest.
Although I like the album alot, I agree that they maybe went too far into the experimental field, perhaps not in the wrong direction. If they took a few albums to ease fans into the new direction rather than cram it all into one album.
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Old 07-11-2005, 01:30 PM
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Originally Posted by obsyr
exactly........Bon Jovi HAS evolved and Def Leppard really has not. Look at their total number of sales also. Bon Jovi has outsold them by a HUGE margin.
def leppard HAS EVOLVED TOO......they were pretty "standard" till 1992 with the excellent 1996 they tried to go grunge, they had a big flop but the album was completely different from they previous album, they came back in 1999 and again they "re-styled" themselves and their last album has the perfect mix between old and new you can't really say leppard has not evolved....they did at least as bon jovi did......

I said it few times U.S. def leppard have sold much more records than bon jovi did.....even after their "big era" def leppard between 1992 and 2005 sold more than jovi
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Old 07-11-2005, 05:26 PM
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Slang was/is not grunge, it was Def Leppard getting back on track with what they always did...innovate. But you are only as good as your last album.........

Adrenalize destroyed their career and at no point was it "cutting edge." It was a poor sequel to Hysteria, which was a cutting edge album. Cutting edge turns to crap when everyone else starts doing it, turning what was once cool into a joke. It ensured that no matter what they did after that, they would be regarded as 80's has-beens.

See Ice's post in regards to Euphoria. Thank you.
I said, all it's about is the boy checked out, he couldn't handle reality.
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Old 07-30-2005, 08:31 PM
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I don't no if anyone else has noticed but Leppards album has now been delayed until the end of 05 early 06.
Another reason for the DL fans to be pissed!
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