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Old 01-27-2004, 12:00 AM
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Captain Walrus Captain Walrus is offline
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Default Different Interpretations Of Songs

This has been going around my head for a while, and what with the debate about Always being about a stalker, I figured now was as good a time as any to post it. My question is, are there any songs that you interpret to have a different meaning from either the obvious one, or the one that it is intended to have?

Let me give an example. (It's Hard) Letting You Go probably seems to most people to be about being left by someone they loved, and finding it hard to deal with. However, I interpret it differently. I think the 'narrator' is the one who ended the relationship, but found it was a very difficult decision to make, and now regrets it. If you think about it, probably all thelyrics could be interpreted this way, especially: "It would all have been so easy, if you'd only made me cry" - basically, if she had left him, it would have been easier, but since he left her, its hard.

So, anyone got any other different interpretaions of songs> Something like that?

Keep On Rockin'

Sometimes you can just lay down
You can play the game
You can take the cards that they deal ya
And you can just pretend it's all over
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