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Old 07-10-2006, 03:29 PM
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Default Everyday

Is there anybody except me who really quite likes Everyday? Always see it getting slated so much ...

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Old 07-10-2006, 03:43 PM
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I like it. I actually like the TLFR version though better than the original. The song helped me get through the death of my mother so it holds a special place for me.

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Old 07-10-2006, 03:51 PM
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I remember around the Bounce release i actually considered this a better single than Its My Life..

Now, i think i was just a bit cuaght up in the excitement. It IS a good single, lyrics are a bit predictable, but its a totally new sound for them/Richie and I enjoyed the heavy riffing. Its too short though at 3mins, and i would have preferred the solo that richie seems to be doing in it live nowadays.

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Old 07-10-2006, 04:03 PM
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i hate all those "special effects". sounds a bit over-produced and the lyrics are crap. But live it is damn good song
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Old 07-10-2006, 04:21 PM
cowboy2002 cowboy2002 is offline
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Def sounds better this tour than it did in 2003. Proabably a combination of the extra guitarist/keyboard player and a proper solo being played!
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Old 07-10-2006, 06:03 PM
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I've certainly never disliked it. I thought it was good when it was first released, but like someone said earlier, it was probably mostly the excitement of a new single. I also much prefer the TLFR version to the original and it is so much better live on this tour, for me because Richie has totally changed the second half of the guitar solo.

Out of the 3 lead singles this decade, it's my least favourite, lyrics and production could have been better and it could probably do without the sound effects or watever. But it will always be special to me as it reminds me of the time of my life it was released which I value all music for.

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Old 07-10-2006, 06:07 PM
Alphavictim Alphavictim is offline
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Did they add a new / longer solo?

I remember that when I first heard the song, I found the chorus to be trying way too hard to be catchy and anthemic - but failing. And the solo also trying too hard to be "woah" but eventually lacking direction.

Nowadays when I listen to the song, I'm always surprised because it actually isn't that bad. The biggest problem are the vocals in the chorus - the guitar playing during the whole song is really cool, especially in the prechorus, but the chorus just sounds flat as far as the vocals are concerned. I actually like the live version from the HAND bonus DVD better than the studio take. Still, it was not first single-material.

I have no problems with the electronics during the verses, though - they've been doing stuff like that since the first record.
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Old 07-10-2006, 06:22 PM
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Yeah, I like it also.
It's one good song and the live version on this tour is alot better than the bounce tour as a lot of you have been saying. I think the song gets slated a lot unfairly, but maybe that has to do with Undivided being the track that preceeds it on the album, wich comepletely destroys it.
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Old 07-10-2006, 06:28 PM
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It's an average song.
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Old 07-10-2006, 06:34 PM
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Everyday is the best track on This Left Feels Right. I think it's the only one that has transfered well. I think this may have something to do with it not already being considered a classic like the other songs that were ruined on that album. Unlike the rest we don't listen to it thinking "they've ruined a classic".
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