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Old 03-05-2015, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by nikos greece View Post
Hi guys,a pro video from that show is the hollygrail for me like for many others fans i imagine. the show was probably pro shot in its entirety but only audio surfaced. my question is this...the hammersmith show we all talk about was the first from a series of shows there, there were 5 or 6 if i remember correctly. does anyone know the setlists of the other nights? i d really like to know if they were standard sets or there were also surprises
Great Topic!

I believe 7 shows all together and I would also love a set-list breakdown from each show. I'm not even sure if all shows were in the same format that was shown in AAA or if that was just a one off type show. I'm thinking it might have been a one off for some kind of promo. Or maybe a live album? I don't remember off hand. I'd have to go back and rewatch it.

That was when Jon and the band could deliver any song like no other. A big switch from today's KOS shows. To get those originals and covers in soundboard quality would be a dream come true for most fans. For me, it would even be bigger than a new album.

Luckily, we did get a lot of the audio in some sort of soundboard quality and the other half in a presentable bootleg quality. Unfortunately, the true gems are in bootleg quality. As new technology enhancements come about, I constantly tweak these songs to get them to a somewhat enjoyable listen. Nothing will ever be the same as having them in Soundboard though.

I don't know why the Bon Jovi camp just doesn't release it or leak it at this point. If the quality isn't there or they can't get the right licences legally, they should just throw it out there for us fans to enjoy on YouTube. By holding onto this shit for so long, it starts to loose its value. Look what happened to the Jersey demos. If they released that 10 years earlier, it would have been gigantic. With the internet leaks, fan enhancements, and loss of interest with new fan declines, these things continue to loose their lustful value. Trust me, I love the NJ demos but its like getting your favorite movie in BluRay. It's great the first few times you watch it but it's a movie you've seem a million times before. Anyway, sorry to drift off topic. It just frustrates me how the Bon Jovi camp holds on to all these treasures that us die-hards would love to get our hands on.

I just don't see the point of holing these treasures. No harm could come from putting it out there, even for free.
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