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Old 03-05-2017, 09:19 PM
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Originally Posted by jovifan93 View Post
I'm just wondering if that's the only part of the song(s) where he uses the backing track, or if any of those high notes before or in the chorus (in LOAP) are from that backing track, as well?

Could explain why he sounds so weird on the lower parts and then good on the higher parts. Maybe one could even trigger that based on the melody line, if the backing track is tempo-synched (or they're playing to a click track)? Like if the melody goes higher than X, then turn up the backing track, otherwise turn it down. Just a thought...
Jovi uses backing tracks for quite a few songs live, mostly backing vocals. Knockout, THINFS, Roller Coaster, It's My Life, We Don't Run, Devils In the Temple, Have a Nice Day, Prayer etc. Most songs uses lot of layers with backing vocals in the studio which makes them hard to recreate without backing tracks live.
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