I guess we all grew up and grew older with NEW JERSEY, it will always be my special album, sounds like a sack of soppy shit, but its helped me through some tough times, its been with through some good times and inspired me to go do things that I wouldnt normally have the courage to do, its more or less the soundtrack to some of the best years of my life. Stick to Your Guns, Wild is the Wind, Living in Sin and even Homebound Train take me back to some moments in my life that will never fade. I recall buying a casette copy for my then Girlfriend at the time and proudly presenting it to her like some sort of holy grail....my most vivid and precious memory is sitting at college knocked out by this stunning girl id bumped into in a pub back home, that was (I Thought) way out of my league, just doodling the lyrics down on the back of my coursework folder to STICK TO YOUR GUNS, "aint no livin in the backseat if your gonna drive through town" etc etc it gave me the inspiration and courage to ask her out, she turned out to be "the one that got away".....