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Has This Year (40 years) Been A Letdown?

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Old 10-23-2024, 11:14 PM
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Default Has This Year (40 years) Been A Letdown?

Got this topic from liljovi93's Podcast YouTube Vid and posted some comments here... Would love to hear some additional opinions

From steel_horse7570:
That was a huge letdown. The album was average but that's expected of the later albums, the websites fizzled out like most Jovi projects, no boxset and Jon's live performance was awful. The documentary was really good but I would've liked to hear more from Richie. But for a 40th year, it's been pretty disappointing with re-releases of albums we already have that contain live tracks....we already have. Lazy.

From pauljovi8209:
Very big let down no box set no videos a doc more about his vocal recovery, not a single performance to promote the album or songs but can perform in his bar. One of the worst anniversaries for any band to mark such an occasion

Even the People House video is so bad that the band ain't in it and it's just Jon which to me is wrong

From jbjcrash2:
It's been an absolute letdown. A surprisingly good album and documentary but absolutely nothing else. The backstage stuff is a mess, no news whatsoever of the box set, no follow-up of the album with singles and videos. Maybe that's due to Jon's mother's passing but overall it's quite a disappointment.
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Old 10-24-2024, 12:35 AM
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This is an interesting topic!

On the one hand, yeah, once Jon realized he wasn't in any condition to tour or promote the album vocally, all plugs were pulled and the band went back into hibernation. The website was hit and miss but we learned new stuff, got some decent samples with the hope of more to come. It was badly arranged and rolled out.

On the other, the first half of 2024 is the most positive this board has been since probably the 2011 tour. We got a documentary that revealed some cool stuff, showed Jon at his most vulnerable. Richie reappeared with new music. We got a really strong album that for a solid few months MOST people here really liked.

Was it a letdown to me? No way. The first half of the year reminded me how much I love this band. A lot of Forever reminded me of Crush and that kind of woke me up and say "the old band isn't coming back. If I get an album every few years and some rare songs come out here and there but touring is off the table, I'm fine with that". I've made my peace with the stage this band is in.

I've hit a point in the fandom where I know there's not much time left and I don't want to spend it annoyed we didn't get what we think we were promised, I guess? There are fans that are gonna "the sky is falling" the way they have since Shanks started (and some since Crush), there are fans that are going to love every move they make. I'm plopped in the middle but closer to "give it a chance, if it doesn't speak to me, it just isn't for me".
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 10-24-2024, 03:00 AM
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Originally Posted by Captain_jovi View Post
I've hit a point in the fandom where I know there's not much time left and I don't want to spend it annoyed we didn't get what we think we were promised, I guess? There are fans that are gonna "the sky is falling" the way they have since Shanks started (and some since Crush), there are fans that are going to love every move they make. I'm plopped in the middle but closer to "give it a chance, if it doesn't speak to me, it just isn't for me".
That's what's disappointing for me. He's 62. Bon Jovi the band and Jon Bon Jovi the solo artist are both done... yet I see Springsteen who is 75 doing 100 plus 3-hour-a-night shows. I get it but it's also hard to grasp.

Jon is doing a sit-down with Stephen Colbert this Saturday at one of the theaters here in Jersey that I'll be attending. I'm curious to see how this time will be filled... Tickets were kind of expensive so I hope it's not just an hour interview. I really hope Jon performs a few songs so I can hear his voice in person...If it's political, I'm walking out.
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Old 10-24-2024, 01:07 PM
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I enjoyed the documentary mostly, the album was decent.
The backstage stuff was promising, but hasn't delivered.
Was very happy to hear some new tracks from Richie, even though they were hit and miss.
The Bon Jovi deluxe edition was nice, but could have been so much better if they had included more of those demos etc from backstage and not recycle the same old live tracks. However, I was hoping that we would get more of these deluxe editions as the year progressed. I know it looks like we will get Slippery soon.
Vinyl edition of the greatest hits. Really?
I still think that they should have got the box set ready for the 40th and save the new album for next year. The album made it feel like just another album promo cycle by the end of it and not a 40th celebration.
Couldn't give a toss about the Monopoly, Calendars etc.
On the whole my slogan for the 40th is : "Could have been so much better..."

Last edited by Thinny; 10-24-2024 at 01:10 PM..
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Old 10-24-2024, 02:17 PM
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Some months ago there was a pictures of a new JBJ runaway tour coming soon sent by Matt, there maybe Jon will sing a couple songs from Forever album.

And about this year…

I like a lot the new album and i liked the documentary, so i’m happy.

Now i’m waiting a future Box set and i wanna see how it will continue the new BJ backstage experience after gave us the snippets.

Last edited by Jovi98; 10-24-2024 at 02:27 PM..
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Old 10-24-2024, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Rdkopper View Post
That's what's disappointing for me. He's 62. Bon Jovi the band and Jon Bon Jovi the solo artist are both done... yet I see Springsteen who is 75 doing 100 plus 3-hour-a-night shows. I get it but it's also hard to grasp.

Jon is doing a sit-down with Stephen Colbert this Saturday at one of the theaters here in Jersey that I'll be attending. I'm curious to see how this time will be filled... Tickets were kind of expensive so I hope it's not just an hour interview. I really hope Jon performs a few songs so I can hear his voice in person...If it's political, I'm walking out.
Of course politics are going to come up. It's late October of an election year with two people who are campaigning for the same person.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 10-24-2024, 05:58 PM
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The anniversary should have been all about the Box Set. When was the last time anyone from the Jovi camp mentioned it? It must have been 6-8 months at least.

The documentary had its moments. But like I already said back then, to me it was a Jon-solo-show mixed with a new version of Behind The Music and some very few new/unknown highlights.

Forever was a nice effort, but to me it had nothing to do with the anniversary.

The archives website was a great idea. But like every other great idea in Jovi-land, it soon stranded in nowhere-land.

I never expected them to tour, so no disappointment around here.
I expected them to release a fukcing new Box Set, which they didn't. So yes, the 40th year of their career was a letdown to me.
Check out what's becoming the biggest Bon Jovi touring website:
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Old 10-24-2024, 07:31 PM
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Jon said at one of the listening parties about five months ago that the box set was pushed back to 2025. Cant verify if its true or not but it'd explain the lack of updates.
Originally Posted by Iceman View Post
Don't make the mistake of thinking that even 1% of Bon Jovi fans are like you, because they aren't. Don't think you know how Bon Jovi fans think. You don't. You know yourself. Stick to that.
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Old 10-24-2024, 09:51 PM
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I have mixed Feelings about the 40th Anniversary of the Band. The Backstage Site got me curious for some time, but so far it failed it to keep interested for a longer period of time. Overall Forever was a letdown for me and why the Band releases a new album when Jon is vocally in no condition to perform on stage is still a big mystery to me.
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Old 10-25-2024, 11:19 AM
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It's not a mystery. The band was done in the true sense when it's half called it quits. Solo JBJ is not a serious force to be reckoned with. No camaraderie, no commemoration.
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