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Old 07-17-2017, 10:27 PM
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Becky Becky is offline
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I want it to have nothing to do with politics so I can listen to it. I hate politics and the overtones of politics ruins The Circle for me. (I hate the Democrats and Republicans equally so the slant has no influence on my annoyance with political songs.)

I would also like to see Jon write alone or with some new blood like Phil X. Also, if John Shanks is going to fill the position of musician, they need to bring in a fresh producer. Maybe they should do that anyway.

I also like the idea of having a vocal coach involved. Maybe a psychiatrist is even more necessary than a coach. I think when Jon freely admits that Richie's leaving literally left him unable to sing, he needs counseling to get over the "divorce" and get his confidence back. The voice is probably there, buried under the baggage.
Life is short. Be sure to spend as much time as possible on the internet arguing about politics and entertainment.
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