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It's time to let Bounce rest in peace.

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Old 01-28-2003, 12:13 AM
krb102 krb102 is offline
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Default It's time to let Bounce rest in peace.

Whatever the next single is off of Bounce, it will not do well and will not help to promote the album. The only single that has hit potential is Undivided (even though its lyrics are laughable) but I don't think they will release this.

Many people on here think that if they release Bounce as the next single it will do well. It won't. It isn't catchy, and it is a very simple song with the same message repeated over and over again in every single line. It is quite an annoying song actually now that I think about it.

Some people have said that they want The Distance to be released. While it is a good song, it isn't the sort of stuff that goes to the top of the chart.

The two 'ballads' on Bounce are both quite weak. One contains hardly any instruments, and the other contains almost no emotion.

All of the other songs on Bounce are not hit material. They should swallow their pride, open their wallets, and release Undivided as the next single. As much as I think this song is overrated, it has hit potential. And what's wrong with making money from dead Americans? George Bush is prepared to do it when he eventually takes control of the oil in the Middle East.

I doubt they will do this though. They should let Bounce rest in peace as an album that was designed to sell, but ultimately failed, and stop trying to prolong its dying agony. I hope they realise this when/if they write the next album, and make an album which is true to themselves.
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Old 01-28-2003, 12:34 AM
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i agree with a lot of that yes! most of it in fact

i've been listening to the album a lot recently (i still don't like it) but i'm finding that a lot of the songs could have been so much better if they'd recorded them slightly differently...

personally i've found that a lot of the verses are very good, and riff-driven...

where i think the album fails is in the choruses..

at least the chorus of undivided allows jon's voice to shine a little - and undivided is a song i have really begun to like a lot (yes, with the exception of the lyrics)...

Bounce is probably too much of a "shove the message down your throat" sort of a song, and i think they could have done a song with the same concept much more subtle - it would have been much more powerful that way also...

... but then again without sounding politically racist, it does fit in perfectly with the simplistic primary-school teachings of Bush's administration in the US
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:11 AM
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Making money out of dead americans shouldnt bon jovi leave that to george bush?. I think bounce would make a good single but sounds a little to much like everyday. Undivided would flop in brittain completely as its far to heavy i dont think it would chart at all. The distance is proberly the best bet as it is hard enough to keep the heavy fans a little happy (lets face it there never really happy) and commercial(SP) enough to chart.
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:22 AM
Jovism19 Jovism19 is offline
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It may be your opinion that Bounce sucks, but remember that it is just that,it's not fact. I on the other hand think it is a decent and enjoyable cd, not their best, but not bad by any means.
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:23 AM
RyanBounce04 RyanBounce04 is offline
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Undivided or Bounce would be the best singles... Why wouldn't Undivided be a great choice? The chorus and guitars are great, lyrics are healthy and are full of hard-hitting words that brings back memories from the past. Undivided would make an awesome single. Bounce would be a great single too.. Probably the best choice. The Distance is a little bit too... Fairytale.. It sounds cheesy, but think about it... I don't think it will do well. Seeing as how everyone loved It's My Life. Bounce is a mirror-image of the song. Bounce has catchy lyrics, it is upbeat and shows great potential... those are my votes..

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Old 01-28-2003, 01:26 AM
krb102 krb102 is offline
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Originally Posted by Jovism19
It may be your opinion that Bounce sucks, but remember that it is just that,it's not fact.
Yes it is.
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:48 AM
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genuine laughter too!
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:56 AM
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Undivided won't work -we already have Bruce and The Rising to thank for monopolizing the dancing on the graves of dead Americans market. I still wonder what we could have seen from the E Street band without 911. To tell you the truth I have given up on radio embracing Bon Jovi. I think any life Bounce has left will be from the tour and maybe some excitement around this box set, DVD, and 20th anniversary stuff coming up. I think it may get to platinum in the US but it will be a slow climb there. BTW, The Rising is now sinking like a stone on US Charts despite 5 Grammy nominations. Again, no radio play. Prepare for Bon Jovi to now be a classic rock act- they will sell out shows but I think their time as a force on pop/rock radio is probably over. But maybe I will be proven wrong.
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Old 01-28-2003, 01:58 AM
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Well, I don't think there is anything in this world that could please KRB so who cares about what he has to say. You have two exact same topics on the board at the same time and I have no clue why you even waste your time being here.

Bon Jovi are past their prime and even if they recorded another "stairway to heaven" they still wouldn't sell a million albums. NOTE - They are past their prime.

If you don't like BOUNCE just because it doesn't sell as well as SWW than go buy something that does sell well like N'SYNC, Springsteen, Creed or Dave Matthews or your fellow canadian friends Nickelback...

I bet you everything KRB that if BOUNCE was at the 5 million mark right now you'd be here praising it.

"It's my Life" and "Crush" did well overall because people wanted to see what new stuff Bon Jovi had in store. After most got dissapointed (judging by the number of used copies in the CD stores) they weren't waiting for a new album. Just in case you didn't notice, BOUNCE got better reviews than CRUSH, Slippery or any other BJ album. The only one I was able to find that had more good reviews was These Days. And that only sold a million, or even less.

Bounce is OK at best but if it wasn't a BJ album, it would have done so much better. I have read a few CRUSH and BOUNCE reviews that were done by the same people and all of them pretty much said that BOUNCE was better.

But I do understand if you don't like it, it's your opinion and I respect it. But don't say it's a cheesy-lyric album. If you want cheesy check out POISON , WARRANT or the first four BON JOVI albums..
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Bon Jovi Album Ranking: These Days, SWW, KTF, Jersey, Crush, Forever, 7800F, Bridges, HAND, Bon Jovi, Bounce, WAN, Circle, THINFS........... LH, 2020;
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Old 01-28-2003, 02:06 AM
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I don't think that anyone on this side of the sea (including the band) cares about any airpaly or success in the UK. UK music is a pathetic joke and it has been since the early 90's. The only band that still makes sence from overseas is U2 and probably also Rammstein. Well, Rammstein just because they are very influential on the underground scene in the US...

It's a shame that the country that gave us the Stones, Led Zep, The Beatles, Queen, Elton, Ozzy and many more age defining rockers has only a fistful of bad crap to give us these days.
Life-long Jovist, Purist, Critic

Bon Jovi Album Ranking: These Days, SWW, KTF, Jersey, Crush, Forever, 7800F, Bridges, HAND, Bon Jovi, Bounce, WAN, Circle, THINFS........... LH, 2020;
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