Thread: John Shanks
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Old 09-13-2018, 07:20 PM
Eveline Eveline is offline
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Yovana, we're off topic all the time but I won't point any fingers ;p

Captain - nah, I didn't mean THAT, at least it wasn't my primary intention. I meant there are different factors to the whole picture and sh*t usually piles up.

And guys, don't get all defensive, I love Jon, but even if I was talking about any average Joe here, drinking a bottle or two every day isn't healthy! Plus drinking before going to bed disturbs sleep patterns so you take sleeping pills... and the vicious circle begins.

To go back to the topic: Shanks is here to stay, whether we like it or not. I wonder whether Phil will ever be allowed to actually get creative, though. He was asked on twitter the other day whether he'd like to write songs with Jon and he said that "of course, I'm not an idiot". Just some food for thought ladies and gents.
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