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Old 08-04-2014, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by rocknation View Post
He's not even saying "I don't intend to move the team." But the very fact that he's hooked up with someone who already owns a team in Toronto makes his sincerity problematic.

What will most likely happen is that the team will politely sit out their lease (it ends in 2020) while refusing to invest in top talent, demand that the city give them unaffordable tax breaks (if not a new stadium), then cry all the way out of town.

Jon is only a multi-millionaire. He is also a rookie in a shark tank full of old-money veteran multi-billionaires who are using his fame and fortune to get what they want: he doesn't realize that he's out of his league, if you'll pardon the expression.

Nah nah nah - you severely underestimate the Jon Bon Bon. First of all, Jon Bon's net worth is surely closer to 1Bn than to 100M. The tours alone grossed over 1 Bn in the last 10 years. Do you think Tico got all the money? Not to mention that in 1992 he was worth a reported $120M. Knowing what a stingy basterd he's been all his life, he should have easily passed the 500 M mark. I bet you, once this deal is through, he will make Forbes billionaires list. Up for it?

Also, the man is 52. He is not a kid by any means. People his age are Presidents - hardly the naive boy that is used by the evil bankers.

Another point - he hasn't JUST jumped into this. He has first bought an AFL team, learned it the hard way. Now, as JonGirl mentions, this is one if not the only opportunity he'll ever get to own an NFL team. Knowing his ego, I am not sure who is using who!
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