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Old 02-01-2020, 11:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Alphavictim View Post
The middle aged housewives obsessing over JBJ's looks are out the door, in are the YouTube music experts constantly mentioning that he still looks good
But that guy isn't wrong, is he? He's just doing what most BJ fans do, including some people here: finding the silver lining.

I cringed when I saw this video, both vocally and a performance-wise, it's come to a point where I feel uncomfortable listening and watching Jon on stage, but to the average fan the fact that he is almost 60, looks great and has a good stage presence compared to lots of his peers is more than enough to make up for his poor vocals.

That's the problem, I acknowledge that Jon still has it when it comes to the hot factor and his charming boyish looks have bailed him out more than once. It is part of his shtick and I have no problem with that other than it doesn't work for me anymore because I expect much more from him. It's not even about value for money, other performers charge more and deliver worse shows, Bon Jovi is far from a waste of money by the average concert-goer standards It's just a matter of principles to me, a singer that was on top of his game 10 years ago shouldn't strive to survive on good looks, smiles and ass shakes. He should die each night on stage, poor vocals be damned.

To me 2-3 semi-decent performances (being extremely generous) in 7 years and a ton shit of shows is simply unacceptable. To most people is the normal decline and not even that noticeable when you take into account that Jon looks good and he smiles a lot and still has the crowd going wild with every (inmyopinionpainfullyawkward) interaction. And I understand it, lots of people love this kind of performance and it's not that different from what he used to do, so they give him a pass because "it's not that bad when you are there in person having fun" (*cough*this board*cough*) and here we are, about to embark into another 'sold-out' tour and then another and then another and I highly doubt one day everybody will realize the emperor is naked. Why would they? He still looks good...

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These days what's left of me ain't no Prince Charming

We know Jon, we know
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